Painting old vs buying new...( ish)


Rainbow of Skittles
My bike is a blue/black 2002, 86,000 and change kilometers on it. Runs like a champ, set up like I want, simple mods, lowered a bit, bars up a bit, SS lines,Yosh duals,slip-ons,K @ N, simple.

With all the camping, travelling, bungee-ing this summer, she needs a wee freshening up. I love, love, love the white but......

I have been looking at a 2006 white, 10,000 kilometers, SS lines, full Yosh( 4 into 1),hump mod,undertail mod,simple. has a few scuffs on it from rubbing against another bike in a trailer,one right down to the nub, I guess, others can prolly be touched up. ( Black scuff marks on white bikes can be touched up, right?)

Cost to paint bike,about 600 bucks, I don't want any crazy custom graphics or anything, prolly something close-ish to the stock paint scheme.

Price for 2006, $7500 bucks, not a smokin deal, but fair enough from trolling online ads. Not certified, btw.

So, paint old with "getting up there k" or buy new-ish and start fresh?

10,000 k equals approx 6,000 miles.
Thats a lot for the 06. That would be Blue book with it in great condition. the miles are low enough for the price but the plastics aren't. I'd spend the money on your old bike. That price you could refreshen up the old motor like new and even put a little more horse's in her.
Nah, I am just not into "uber-modding" it. It's my daily rider/tourer/ commuter, do all bike. I don't want to add weight with chrome, or other shiny bits that need to be kept clean and spotless.

I don't need more HP. Or fancy mirrors, or glowing lights or any of that actually.I don't really have cash on hand for that, I was getting a small loan at a good rate for the bike.

I don't want a really fancy paint job because that inevitable stone chip/rub mark,tiny scratch will kill me on a paint job I have spent a small fortune on.

And I ride around on gravel roads and through campgrounds and stuff too. And I really load my bike up with camping gear and it would just look silly with a super custom paint thing and saddlebags and campchairs strapped on.

I guess a nice pearlesent white with maybe a pink tone in it,then I would do a custom seat though.

But I do like that black frame......

Yes, Trekfuel, I am still thinking about that stupid bike!!!!! Can you come to my house and stick a pencil in my eye or something???
Thinking maybe just keep the pack horse till she dies.....New tires monthly. Brakes , chain and sprockets... and fuel.
for that price id keep the old mule. ive seen 08's in good shape for 7500. if you want put a paint job on the old one and keep her. doesnt have to be anything uber fancy. you could just do a color and a kanji with some tribals or stripe design that looks kinda factory.

but for that price id definately keep the old bike. she has allot of miles in her still...oh sorry Km. good luck
I would paint it up. Nothing to gain besides less mileage. But if your bike has no problems why get one that may?
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I would paint it up. Nothing to gain besides less mileage. But if your bike has no problems why get one that may?
Posted via Mobile Device


If theres nothing wrong with the one you have, Keep it, Paint it the color you want.
I keep telling myself I want to sell my Busa so I can get a used 1000, the reason I haven't is I got my Bike brand new, and know what I've done to it. Unless you know the previous owner you never know what you're getting ?

Just fix up yours !
Stay with what you know works and paint it like others said .

And by the way I'd like a pic of campchairs strapped onto your bike :laugh:
I spoke with the dealership that sold dude the white 06 and they confirmed that he really takes care of his bikes. I am currently investigating painting my bike.


See those two things sticking out the back? Camp chairs.
laurie i suggest painting it...the same color as your hair!! ok ...smack me
I was thinkin about it, any new paint would may soon end up with the same wear as your current paint. You ride alot, so just another thing to consider:thumbsup:
I spoke with the dealership that sold dude the white 06 and they confirmed that he really takes care of his bikes. I am currently investigating painting my bike.


See those two things sticking out the back? Camp chairs.

What did you expect them to say? Of coarse they are going to tell you that he took care of it, they want to sell it. It's like every used car on the planet was owned by a little old lady that only drove it to church, bingo and the grocery store.

If it has no problems stick with what you know and paint it. Why risk acquiring someone else's problem? Especially if it's going to be a daily rider. You don't need the hassle of picking up a bike with issues when you need it to be reliable.

Seriously, you have no payment so any money you spend on this bike is to improve it. Instead of buying the other bike, every month put aside the amount of money that would be spent on the payment. You'll see quickly how long it would take to save for a paint job on the bike you have. It won't take long and you will have a new paint job, no bloody payment, and a bike that you know is reliable.
Paint it or buy an OEM set of 06 white plastics(if that what you want). Upgrading to something 4 years newer is only going to get you something 4 years newer without knowing the "Real" history of the newer motorcycle. Can also change up other things like the exhaust for appearance. Busa mileage isn't a big issue if properly maintained.