Is a weak battery related to a sluggish throttle.

Hi Guys,

I was a little busy with work and couldn’t take the bike out for a ride for the past week. When I tried to take it out for a ride yesterday, it started fine i.e. in one start. But when I actually hit the freeway, it felt as if the throttle response was sluggish and I had a sense of a drag on the engine. I wasn’t comfortable with the feel of the bike and decided to go back home.
I realized on my return, that my Bike’s battery had gone weak. Coz, when I turned the bike off in my garage, and tried to restart, it refused to start, and my starter just went dead ( strange thing though, the lights and horn were working fine )

Some of my biker friends said that in bikes like the Busa, a weak battery could result in loss of power or a feeling of a drag on the engine, unlike standard cars, wherein the job of the battery was limited to starting the vehicle and/or using the electrical components.

I should confess, that I was also under the impression that the use of a battery was limited to starting the bike and using the lights, horn & other electrical components.

Just wanted to know if the battery in a Busa, is actually related to the performance of the throttle. In other words, could a weak battery result in sluggish performance of the throttle or a feeling of loss of power and drag on the engine.
Please do let me know.
if your bike doesn't start (the engine isn't even turning over), it could be your starter relay.
not sure about the loss in power though...
Thanks for the reply guys. I guess I need to get a mechanic to figure things out. It probably could be something related to the fuel.. ( the problem here is that there is no authorised dealer for such bikes)

The speed limit in Bombay city could vary from 60 km/hr to 80 km/hr. But once you are out of the city limits, barring One freeway between Bombay and Pune, on all other freeways, the speed really depends on the road and how fast you wanna go..!

A.B. ,

How many miles are on your bike? I noticed that when I replaced my spark plugs the sluggish throttle problem went away. If I felt the same thing you did. At 7500 mi/ 12000 km they recommend replacing the plugs.
What I want to know is how did you smuggle a Busa in Bombay. Folks must be paying homage to you.
Big Bad Busa Man.

If your bike starts fine the battery is normally fine...the start takes the biggest draw from the battery....if you get past that part then it most likely something else...if you have a multimeter you can check the voltage while the bike is may be able to see if its a charging problem....while at idle a battery voltage should be aroun 13.8-14+ volts....if it is in the 12's it may be a charging problem which could cause problems eventually...

But the throttle being sluggish doesn't sound like a battery problem....some cars though run poorly with a bad alternator or battery....I had a car stalling and not shifting because of a poor charging system....this is because of modern day vehicles depening sooooooo much on computers and electronics to run....Not sure how the Busa goes though....
Hey guys, sorry for the delay in the reply was out of town for some work

Well my bike dosent have too much milage on it right now, only run about 500 Kms. So, I dont think that the problem is related to the spark plug. Apparently, the battery had gone dead. But inspite of this, the problem related to the sluggishness, was not really related to the battery. The thing is that since there is no authorized dealer here, diagnosis, gets to be a bit of a problem. Anyway, the sluggishness was supposed to be b’coz of some impure fuel that I had filled in on a small fuel station on the highway. So I drained the fuel, that is, as much as I could and filled in some 93 Octane petrol and added some octane boosters. The sluggishness has decreased now, but has not completely gone away. Maybe when the entire impure fuel is out of the system, I will get a better feel. Will let you guys know if and when, that happens.

And Smoke about your query as to how I got the bike to Bombay, like I had already mentioned earlier, If you want to buy a brand new bike like this, in India, you can’t just get it off the shelf, it has to be imported. And that takes a couple of months atleast, and a lot of hassle. Then again, after it has been imported, there are a lot of legal hassels… so basically to own a bike like this in India, I guess, you have to be a little crazy, to go through the whole process.. Smuggling would probably be a good word… except, in this case, everything is legal. The thing is that there is a subtle difference between Knowing & Using the Law And Breaking the Law.
And yes, you do end up becoming more conspicuous than you would want to, but then again, that’s the price for owning a beast like this.
I have a very weak battery, won't hold a charge for more than 3 days. My power is fine. To answer you question, no.