I am so pissed I have to say something

I have friends that line in Honduras, kidnapping for ransom is big business down there. My friend told me that the kidnappers don't want to mess with Americans (USA) because they know that the US govt doesn't give in and they don't want the wrath of the US putting a kabash on their business.

Frankly, some of you guys are baffling me, either that or it's my usual blind sightedness taking over once again...

What gives you the idea that pulling out of Iraq equates to giving in to the terrorists? They WANT us there - STAYING is giving in to the terrorists.

Pulling out would allow to take control of the chessboard and cloak our players. It would turn a conventional conflict into a fluid dynamic - the favorite playground of the World's Best Players, and business will be good...

The job is to stop terrorism which is a world wide problem. Right now the focus is on Iraq and the US being there. I don't know if we will ever be rid of it, I certainly hope so.
Frankly, some of you guys are baffling me, either that or it's my usual blind sightedness taking over once again...

What gives you the idea that pulling out of Iraq equates to giving in to the terrorists? They WANT us there - STAYING is giving in to the terrorists.

Pulling out would allow to take control of the chessboard and cloak our players. It would turn a conventional conflict into a fluid dynamic - the favorite playground of the World's Best Players, and business will be good...

If we pulled out of Iraw now we would be screwing the Iraqi people creating more distrust in that region towards Americans than already exists.

The middle east has a totaly differant mind set, they have been waring since the begining of time. hey know no other way, they dont comprehend any gray erros, you are either strong or you are week. If you are weak you are to be trampled under foot.

Pulling out would not allow us to take control over the chess board, pulling out would equate to getting up and walking away from the chess board.

When you get up and walk away from the chess board you cant control it.

Keep your friends close. keep your enemies closer. The best way for us to keep an eye on our enemies and to know what is going on is to be there, in control of things.
One last comment on Mr. Bush.  Did it every cross anyone's mind that maybe when you want to fight and eliminate a few bullies you let the bully through the first punch?  Just a thought to ponder people.  However, we may as well forget about what could have been and pray that we remain strong for what's to come both positive and negative.  I just hope we don't become the modern day Roman Empire, while scattering our troops abroad we forget to protect the homeland.  My .02 and my .02 only.

A couple of things bigdawg.

First, he did throw the first punch, remember dessert storm in 91'. He never complied with his surrender or cease fire agreement, nor the 16 resolutions from the wonderful UN.

Second, I don't know what you mean by "could have been", the first war and 16 UN resolutions weren't enough, so not exactly sure what could have been. More talk?

Third, last time I checked no one had hung a "gone fishin" sign up in the other parts of the world that we are working these thugs over.

And last, if this was about oil why wasn't it taken during the first gulf war, or this one. I get so tired of people saying this is about oil, well back that up with some facts. Exactly how much oil have we taken? I will answer for you, none.
Thrasher - Please bear with me here.  I just simply don't understand how you're arriving at the conclusions at which you're arriving.

Originally posted by thrasherfox If we pulled out of Iraw now we would be screwing the Iraqi people creating more distrust in that region towards Americans than already exists.[/QUOTE]

The initial intent was to topple Hussein.  We've accomplished that goal.  That alone said more to the Iraqi people than 10,000 screaming loudspeakers playing God Bless America.  The aftermath created a governmental vacuum that would need to be addressed.  We've accomplished that goal.  It would also require us to address human needs resources - utilities, food and water supply lines, sanitation, etc.  We've established programs and given the Iraqi people the tools needed as well as barrels and barrels of money.  The last thing to be addressed is rebuilding their infrastructure and there are hordes of private contractors over there doing that very thing - with their own security forces incidentally, unencumbered by military rules of engagement.  (For those of you who doubt the effectiveness of private security forces, remember Angola and Sierra Leone)

BTW - Given your experience with the DOD this is probably old news to you, but as many as 1 in 5 Americans in Iraq are private contractors working in concert with the Military as well as working along side of and independently of the Military.  There are a great number of well-trained, private security forces already in place.

So please, help me understand this great need for our Regulars to be in Iraq.  Frankly I think we should be pounding sand toward Saudi Arabia to go say howdy to the boys...

Pulling out would not allow us to take control over the chess board, pulling out would equate to getting up and walking away from the chess board.[/QUOTE]

Then friend, we're not talking about the same thing - Chess is all about fluidity and movement.  Just because you pick a piece up and move it somewhere else doesn't mean it's no longer in play...  


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Kevin - Respectfully submitted, when I think of cutting edge, top-drawer, grind'em to dust powerful fighting forces, I think of Spain and the Philippines.  Yeah, right.  The terrorists already knew going in that Spain and the Philippines would fold like soft cotton.  They know we won't.  This isn't some elaborate test they're conducting, they're simply taking body count where they can.  And as far as the bully picking on the weak kid, I agree - read my first post.  Remember though that an eviscerated bully picks on no one.  Ooh Rah ! Force Recon.

And by the way, whenever I've had to confront a superior number I always go for the throat of the toughest one, since that pretty much guarantees it'll be just him and me.  The other punks won't want to take on the guy who's pounding their baddest.

BA Busa - If I may say to you, the job's already done.  We've accomplished all stated goals going in, to the best of my knowledge, and then some.

And if there's continuing training of the indigenous forces to be done, and I believe there is, it can be done off location.

And BigDawg - This statement is a bit disturbing: "Fact of the matter is we're in it for the long haul now, as mentioned earlier we pull out now and it's the Clinton administration all over again."  What in the freakin world could you possibly mean by that???

Anyway, time for breakfast.

What I meant was, the Clinton administration took alot of heat for not finishing the job during Desert Storm. That's what I mean, if we pull out now there will be chaos and many Iraqis will die who were in favor of Saddams ousting. You got me know?

And last, if this was about oil why wasn't it taken during the first gulf war, or this one. I get so tired of people saying this is about oil, well back that up with some facts. Exactly how much oil have we taken? I will answer for you, none.
Gas prices my man and oh yeah Bush owns a little oil right and Cheney owns a construction company assisting with the rebuilding of Iraq right! All I'm saying is the U.S. IS NOT FRIGGIN INNOCENT all the time! Sometimes we need to come off our soap boxes and realize things happen for a reason whether caused directly or indirectly. Politics & religion, can't bring up one without stirring up the friggin hornets nest!

And last, if this was about oil why wasn't it taken during the first gulf war, or this one. I get so tired of people saying this is about oil, well back that up with some facts. Exactly how much oil have we taken? I will answer for you, none.
Gas prices my man and oh yeah Bush owns a little oil right and Cheney owns a construction company assisting with the rebuilding of Iraq right!  All I'm saying is the U.S. IS NOT FRIGGIN INNOCENT all the time!  Sometimes we need to come off our soap boxes and realize things happen for a reason whether caused directly or indirectly.  Politics & religion, can't bring up one without stirring up the friggin hornets nest!

I am not sure what oil Bush owns but Cheney quit Haliburton when he ran on the ticket with GB. He also had to divest himself of over 18 million dollars of Haliburton stock, which by the way he gave up. No the USA is not always pure in its motives but we take care of the business that others fail to step up for regardless.

And a side note, Haliburton is by far and away the only company capable of doing the things they are with infrastructure over in Iraq. They were during the first Iraq war and still are. The only thing Cheney has to do with that is that he helped build the company. Are there still ties, albeit off the radar screen. I am sure there are, but what does that have to do with anything, they are still the most qualified.

What I meant was, the Clinton administration took alot of heat for not finishing the job during Desert Storm.  That's what I mean, if we pull out now there will be chaos and many Iraqis will die who were in favor of Saddams ousting.  You got me know?

Dude, clinton simply has to be the greatest embarrassment this country has ever endured. Please.

And why would these Iraqis die? Don't give me the easy surface answer, see if you can figure out the foundation of the problem and give me THAT answer - then relate that to the present problem - then you'll know what I mean.

And please, the leftist drivel about President Bush and some oil connection and Vice President Cheney and Haliburton is old and weak. Let it rest.

YUP! The Phillipine government said they would continue their important contribution to the war on terror. What contribution is this?
They have contributed to more people dying, plain and simple.

I really hope when these countries, that have pulled out in the face of threats and terrorism, find themselves in trouble, they don't call on the mighty USA to help solve their problems. This includes France. Everyone is fine with violence to put down an opressor when it is their own backyard that needs cleaning up.
I don't know which is worse, the weak spineless French who fought us all the way all because they were making money off Husein, or the Spanish and the Philipenos who broke under pressure.
I travel a lot around the world, but I don't think I will ever desire to give one penny from my bank account in France, I have absolutely no respect for them, after all that our parents and grandparents have done for them.
it's really sad for the people who are over here right now fighting this war. I have been deployed for several months now Right now I'm in Bosnia but looking to go to IRAQ. The news media is giving the US a bad name in this war on Terror. first of all clinton had a chance to get Osama along time a go and he didn't next they should of finished the job in 1991. when it was first started. yeah that should of never of happened them giving into the demands of the kidnappers. now that is just going to fuel more kidnapping. You know if you ask any solider here.Why they are here.They will say because they want to be.....
Trasher...please... don't swear, its beneath you .

Their just some weak Chinks on some pacific island....

Why does anyone care....

Nuke 'em all. Let God sort 'em out.

There's not much future in looking over your shoulder and being anyone's mortal enemy whether it's from the Middle East or the Far East.
French Tank: Four gears in reverse and one in forward in case the Germans get behind them.
You know, I would hate to be French. Becuase you know not all French are punks and they are not all wussies. And you know there are and handfull of French guys just grinding their teeth at the rep the French have allways had.

So too my French bad ass Brethren, I say to you, I feel you plight, become an American there is nothing you can do to change the worlds perception but you can fight with a winning team

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Speaking of France

I have seen members on here from differant parts of the world, but I dont think I have ever seen anyone from France on this board.. Do they not sell Busa's in France? Has anyone ever seen a board member who is in France?