I am appalled and saddened for America..

Yeah, I had heard that the police were having to tear gas protestors.

If I was a democrat I would probably be so disgusted by the immaturity of the democratic supporters I would switch to the other side.

good thing I already am on the other side
Those aren't true Democrats, thier criminals latching onto a party name so they can commit thier criminal activities. They're not Democrats, they're IDIOTS.
We are destined to repeat history, the fall of an empire, just like the Romans unless we change.

The Romans lasted for about 2000 years. We like instant gratification so the U.S.A will probably go down in less than 400 years at the current rate. :banghead:
I was watching the Palin speech last night, and noticed the police (maybe it was security?) escorting a lady out pretty much against her will. Does anyone know if that was a protestor?

My first thought (from the way she was not basically being carried) was that she was drunk and they were making her leave...LoL!
Never understood violent protestors.Reguardless of what they were protesting against.It pretty much defeats the purpose of the protest.

Good to see that at least the Democrats are accepting personal responsabiility. good on ya!! :thumbsup:



Actually I am independent. In truth politics confuse me, because on one hand people say were all American, but then turn around and blame the screw ups of certain elected officials on both sides; on the entire parties, and their constituents.
What really shows how STUPID and INEPT some protesters are. Is when the Anti-War/Non Violence Protesters start throwing stuff, burning cars, turning cars over, trashing local businesses and attacking anyone NOT in their Group. What a bunch of DUDS :laugh:
I don't support either party but I think all of us can agree, or should agree, that we need change. We can't continue to fight a war we can't win. Didn't we learn anything from Vietnam. If you would have told me 8 years ago that gas would be $4 per gallon and the Deficit would be the highest it has ever been, I sure wouldn't have voted for Bush. I don't think McCain or Obama is the right choice. Romney would have definitely got my vote.
Violent protesters don't represent the Democratic party or Barack Obama. I'm a Democrat and they certainly don't represent me.
I don't support either party but I think all of us can agree, or should agree, that we need change. We can't continue to fight a war we can't win. Didn't we learn anything from Vietnam. If you would have told me 8 years ago that gas would be $4 per gallon and the Deficit would be the highest it has ever been, I sure wouldn't have voted for Bush. I don't think McCain or Obama is the right choice. Romney would have definitely got my vote.

Ohhhh!!!! You better believe we could win it!! It's just not politically correct for us to win a war anymore. So we are forced to **** around and play politics instead of kickin' ass!

The rest of the world knows half of the Americans are a bunch of whiney, spineless whimps and all they have to do is wait and sooner or later the snivelers will have us tuck our tail and run.

The bottom line is THEY are at war with us, no matter what we say. We can turn the other cheek and ingore them, but THEY are still looking to grind us into oblivion.

A US Prez has very little influence on oil prices. It's a world market. We are getting pinched at the pump because of 25 years of failed energy policy. Even if we had all the oil we wanted we still lack the refinery capacity to cut the gas price significantly. Why? See paragraph #2. It's the same whimps that are against drilling and building refineries. It's naive to think that our enviromently friendly, solar powered tanks and planes will stand a chance against China's fossil fueled military.

Time to wake up folks! Quit worring about your Starbucks and being green and realize we ain't as safe as we would like to pretend.
I am appalled and saddened for America.

As I was watching the Republican Convention I could not believe the actions of not only the Democratic Party and the smear campaign brought forth to the Vice Presidential candidate but more so to the protesters who attend these events.

These protesters not only do not have a clue to what they are protesting but there actions brought forth to other individuals is disgusting. Destruction of property, throwing of bleach to attendees and so forth.

What really crossed my mind was the fact that men and women have sacrificed there lives to keep our Country and our Democracy. This is another insult to the men and women who are now serving and protecting our rights and the rights of these uninformed and childish protesters.

Flame on if you must on the Presidential candidates but we as a Country are forgetting how great our Democracy really is and what sacrifices were made to keep it.

Thank you to all who have served and are serving now. Without your dedication and service to our Country I would hate to think where we would be today.


Announce that you are going to protest the color green for grass and you'll get a handful of idiots ready to stand there and follow instructions.... It's the "sheep syndrome" for those with nothing to do and an IQ of about 56.
I don't support either party but I think all of us can agree, or should agree, that we need change. We can't continue to fight a war we can't win. Didn't we learn anything from Vietnam. If you would have told me 8 years ago that gas would be $4 per gallon and the Deficit would be the highest it has ever been, I sure wouldn't have voted for Bush. I don't think McCain or Obama is the right choice. Romney would have definitely got my vote.

Dude... pay attention 14 of the districts in Iraq are now under control of the Iraqui's..... we did win.
Now we take the fight to Pakistan or wherever those bastids are hiding.
Dude... pay attention 14 of the districts in Iraq are now under control of the Iraqui's..... we did win.
Now we take the fight to Pakistan or wherever those bastids are hiding.

We can't let things like facts confuse the issue..the liberal media uses the war in Iraq as a rally point for libs everywhere....the mainstream media will never admit to any positive gains in the war, it's wouldn't serve there primary focus of turning the Bush Administration into the Face of Evil.
It got worse during McCain's acceptance speach - at least 5 outbursts (some of those Code Pink freaks). Anybody notice that NOBODY rioted, NOBODY disrupted the DNC - Frankly, a pretty good example of the difference in class and couth in the far ends of both parties...I know who I want to run my country, and it's not MoveOn.Org.
it alwaya amazes me that people will repeat things like "war we can't win" from the safety of a keyboard....

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

according to the constitution we have the right to peaceably assemble. that does not mean we can interupt a private event....stand there, hold your signs, sing your chants...stop trying to ruin other peoples events. that is not what the first ammendment is about.

the drunk they threw out of the convention was protestor....
The greatness of Democracy: Freedom

Worst thing about Democracy: Freedom

Double-edged sword, there should be a little asterisk next to all the rights Americans have that says, 'Unless you abuse the hell out of your rights and are ignorant' :moon: