HOw much would u pay per gallon,

(johnnycrash @ May 12 2007,22:12)
(pward76 @ May 12 2007,14:07) Who is comparing the American president to Adolph Hitler?  
The Russian president Putin recently made a speech where he likened the Bush administration to Hitlers Third Reich.  Do a search on it - he made some pretty pointed comments about the US - kind of alarming when you remember they still have a zillion nukes laying around over there (Russia).
And you and I have been footing the bill to diminish the nuclear menace by disassembling they're warheads to recover the fissionable materials for use in our green- house-gas-free Nuclear power plants. Yeah...WE are the bad guys.
(johnnycrash @ May 12 2007,22:12)
(pward76 @ May 12 2007,14:07) Who is comparing the American president to Adolph Hitler?
The Russian president Putin recently made a speech where he likened the Bush administration to Hitlers Third Reich. Do a search on it - he made some pretty pointed comments about the US - kind of alarming when you remember they still have a zillion nukes laying around over there (Russia).
Well, thanks for the info - my question is answered.

I guess I don't give a rat's azz what Putin says, pointed or not. Their little communist experiment went teats-up because absolute power corrupts absolutely and their populace got a taste of what the American way of life is about.

Self determination. Freedom. Personal rights. Levi's. Grocery stores full of food and toilet paper that don't require you to stand in line all day to get a chance to buy. Try owning and operating a Hayabusa in Russia.

And Putin still won't say nice things about us. Color me shocked.

I'm a lot less worried about the nukes in Russia than I am about nukes in Iran or Iraq.

The argument could be made that communist Russia had much more in common with the Nazi's than we ever did, do, or will.
(dadofthree @ May 12 2007,12:18) If not for our kindness and generousity we would not be at war. We would have leveled central Iraq in a matter of hours and started from scratch and dared anyone to bitch.
Now that was a nice quote!!!

But to answer the initial question that started this thread!

Bring em back when the job is done!
(YH2K @ May 13 2007,07:26)
(dadofthree @ May 12 2007,12:18) If not for our kindness and generousity we would not be at war. We would have leveled central Iraq in a matter of hours and started from scratch and dared anyone to bitch.
Now that was a nice quote!!!

But to answer the initial question that started this thread!

Bring em back when the job is done!
Very nicely said DO3.And how true it is.
so now we've spun this into a "Putin/Nukes" thing? wtf?

Here's some real world stats for ya'll...

1. We were decieved and misled into war with iraq that started out with a comedy of "Musical Missions".

2. Bush & Co. were so screwed up that he flew onto a deck of an aircraft carrier (nationally televised) just to announce "Mission Accomplished"...shortly after Hans Blix and the international weapons inspection tean threw their hands in the air and resigned after realizing they were working for a corrupt mad man...our president...who had a team of liars backing him up that sadam had confisticated 55tons of nigerian yellowcake...which was also a never existed...making the lie..."fabricated".

3. Rummy's "Light Fast Army" theory failed miserably.

4. We were also flat out lied to about both Pat Tilman and Jessica Lynch.

5. As i understand it?...Our soldiers STILL don't have sufficient armor and equipment and their rifles suck...the M4's are jam-o-matics that blow the gas right back into the chamber and fire a round more suitable for varmits...not armed geurilla's..the more elite forces are already switching to ak-47's....more reliable with a true .30cal bullet that has some thump..and get this...Raytheon already makes an advanced weapons system that guards personel carriers and tanks from RPG attacks...which the brits have been buying and using to succesfully protect their troops from such attacks for a couple years now...but our boys got zilch...uncle sam won't spring the ching for'em...yet?...

6. Exxon Mobil continues to post ever-growing "RECORD BREAKING PROFITS" quarter after quarter.

The Bush's ARE EXXON/ Condi Rice is from CONOCO..Cheney Is HALIBURTON

and if anyone here can't see the truth by now?...then that simply means you're currently in a position in life that would cause far too much pain for you to accept "The Truth"..and i can respect have no the moment...but you do have a choice of wether or not to participate in promoting and supporting that lie...we had 3 extremists already cross our southern border and gain access to this country...last week...that recruited three more...and then planned to attacvk Fort Dix in New Jersey in a suicidal attempt to kill as many american service folk on their own dirt as our own damn president continues to refuse to secure our nations borders yet has no problem SENDING ALL OUR TROOPS ABROAD headlong to fight and die in an unwinnable war..including our national guardsmen...which begs the he our president?...or National Enemy #1?.....he just won't do the right thing...ever...leastways not for the american people and i hate him for that.

L8R, Bill.
(newmill @ May 12 2007,21:36) If gas went up to $5 a gallon, to bring them home, would you pay it? Of course you would. We ALL would.
Don't presume for one second to speak for me, I can handle that thank you very much
I do not presume to speak for those in uniform but if I did I'd be <s>asking</s> demanding that you apologise for suggesting that they're worth is measured in dollars.
Sorry, man, I'm DONE apoligizing in this thread. Take it as "that's the net". Not everybody knows everything, and I don't owe anyone any apoligies for stupid, incorrect crap on the net. THAT'S THE NET FOR YA

EVERYTHING in the good old USA is about money. And if people don't believe that, then they have their head in deeper sand than I have already admitted that mine is in, as stated earlier in this post.

Someone please prove to me that Oil Companies are NOT taking price advantage of the war situation? They hike prices for every other excuse in the book, some war in an oil rich region is just the next excuse this minute. Next week it will be based on the price of tea in China.

They hiked the price after Katrina.... why? Some excuse existes, but then they posted WORLD RECORD BREAKING 400 billion profits for that quarter? ? ? ? Is the new math THAT twisted that the obviousness of the equasion is lost?
YES, oil companies make a profit. Or they would not have a "business" ...maybe gas stations, don't make much but oil companies do.

Yes, my topic title was a little narrow minded, but it was to really be about GAS. Nobody would have read it if it said, "How to save gas and stick it to the oil companies for their ridiculous pricing scams that our crooked government does nothing about because they are earning cash"

I listed a bunch of commonly overlooked ways to conseve gas.

Is everyone doing their part? I plan to get a new bike this month to ride to work. I'm doing my part to send a message
Heated discussions are a very healthy outlet, as long as they are respectful and in the end everyone is allowed to hold thier own opinions. We are human beings and most of our life in society is about taming the passionate, wild animal that we really are. We get to leak out sometimes and "Venting" is a healthy, human, NORMAL release. If you don;t beleive me, talk to health care professionals. You can pay them large cash to learn this simple truth, or do a little here for free. Enjoy!
Is it true that the US military uses a Billion (yes, with a B) dollars worth of diesel, jet fuel, and fuel daily?

I heard or read that a while ago, just never knew if it was true or not.