Hayabusa Handling


I have just traded in my TL 1000 R for a 'Busa and am a bit dissapointed in the handling characteristics of the larger bike...the front never feels planted as well as the TL's did and although more comfortable over bumps they seem to upset the 'Busa more...and what was that about a stering damper I saw on some other posts? My Hayabusa was made in 4-'99 and has no damper...what gives? In my world it is almost never straight up and down, and I think I just got slower, although I remain intrieged by the Hayabusa and plan to explore it further...there must be ways of sharpening up the suspension...any one else think that their Hayabusa is a wallowing pig?
MIne has a steering dampener. Maybe you didnt look good enough. Look below the handlebars in front of the forks about 12 inchs or so below the fairing from the top of the bike. The bike handles great...............set up your suspension and you'll be fine. Besides you have to learn the bike. It takes time........
Try cranking down your spring adjustors
a couple of lines and increasing your rebound dampening. The damper is inside like VegasDude said.
Los Angeles
Hapo, thats the one!!! I went there right after you did and put money down on that bike, but your trade in beat me to it. The guy who owned that bike previously is an older guy with a lot of bikes and as you can see did not ride it hard at all. Good luck with it as I look for one elsewhere.
Hapo, there IS a damper. You may want to tinker w/ the supension. I'm 6'5", 250 and a little adjustment made the Busa handle just fine. I'd try several settings and revisit your "pig" discription. The ride position is different than the TL as I've ridden both. In fact, I'm planning to buy a TL if the dealer can get his heart right. Man, I like a V-twin.

[This message has been edited by jr7501 (edited 16 September 1999).]
The stock settings are pretty mushy.
Try these settings. I'm 220 lbs
they firmed up the bike nicely for me.

Preload 2.5 lines showing
Compression out 2 clicks
rebound out 2 clicks

1.25" sag
compression out 5 clicks
rebound out 7 clicks
JohnnyB: Same settings as me, only I go 1/2 line less on the front because I only weigh 190.

If you like a tight bike Hapo, you'll like this setting.
...Thanks for the info...maybe I won't miss the TL as much as I thought...the 'Busa sure is fast...in its own way, smooth and quite too...almost a sleeper...sorry about scooping your scooter, RPM, but I hear that there is a copper one at the Danbury Suzuki dealer...
I always felt that the front wasn't planted on my Busa until I did the Pridmore school. At the track I discovered that really the front is planted pretty well and even seemed to be very forgiving under extreme lean angles when hitting bumps. It would squirm a bit but never felt like it was going to go totally away on me. So for me at least, most of my insecurity about the front was mental.
Hapo: Where are you from, you sound like the guy that got to that Busa before I did. The dealer told me that someone was going to trade a TL for it.
Owned a 98TL-R and yes the TL handles good but for a fast all around bike the Hayabusa handles very good.I had a 89 GSXR 1100 and that was a dog compaired to the Hayabusa.Try lifting weights to increase your upper body strength to handle this beast.Counter steering and throttle control helps to bring the beast around those conners.Hope this helps.
Thanks for the relpies..I thought I would get flamed or ignored but this board is pretty cool, I see...I haven't tried any adjustments yet because I thought I should just get used to the bike...I think I'm strong enough but just don't feel good about pitching the sucker into it like I did on the TL...I think stiffening the rear might help the forks feel planted better, but I might just have to get used to a looser feeling bike, or maybe go back to a TL...I shur wish I could keep both! Hapo's Hayabusa is from Cycle Perfomance in Torrington CT...
Hapo, you don't have get used to a looser bike.

You can make the Busa hard as nails with the stock adjusters.

Reef down the front especially. It comes from the factory in a very plush state.