Nope, this hasn't happened to me...
My issue is my bike started, ran like a freight train and then after a few kms, the FI light started flashing and eventually the bike shut down and wouldn't would crank but acted like it had no spark...then out of the blue it started and ran again like a freight train with the FI light flashing and then shut down, out of the blue again it started with the FI light flashing...I got home, shut it down, restarted a few times and no FI light and it ran perfectly..
Through some on line deductions with
@mabupa I figure it's the fuel pump relay and am now awaiting one to come via parcel.....
.........and it's a long wait too....
In this case, it seems more likely something either wasn't plugged in properly or a wire wasn't fastened tightly in the pump assembly..
If the bike ran fine before the maintenance was done, a quick back track through the work done should identify the fault.