Gee wiz my gosh darn chain broke at 3000 miles

I noticed that you are a newbie, but on the board here we try and watch our language and make it a child friendly site (for the most part anway). Anway, that sucks, good luck getting it fixed.
We have kids Brian.
I dont know... for only 3000 miles, i ajusted it 3 times. each with an inch or 1 1/2 inch of play... To me it looks like a casting issue with the chain.. one of the links you can see where it was cracked and then got worse with time
Sounds like a major flaw in the chain.  I hope Suzuki doesn't give you a hard time covering the repairs.

I've had my stock chain and sprockets for 3yrs now with 24,000miles and the chain and sprockets are in great shape. Always kept it clean and lubed and adjusted to 1" on the kickstand.

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Aren't you the guy who basically trashed that bike early on by stunting with it...oh say about a week ago?  Nice wear pattern on the rear sprocket probably bent the freakin' swingarm or frame throwing everything out of line from your previous tard antics.

Broken chain made ya crash and Suzuki should pay for it?  Let's see pics of the new damage vs. the damage photo's you posted a week ago.

Count your blessings and part out that beat to hell POS before you kill yourself.

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OK, yup stunting will kill stock chains quick. That makes a difference into the why your chain broke. I guess you forgot to mention that...
im going to just ignore you and call you a #####...even if at part you are right...  Regardless wether it was from me or its a warranty issue there is no reason for you to be like that
Oh I'm sorry. I just came back from my sensitivity training class and took my ritalin.

Awwwww....poor guy I hope Suzuki gives you a brand new bike cause you really deserve it.

I also think your insurance company and or Suzuki should give you money too for your mental anguish...heck we need to start up a collection on the board here and donate some money to your cause too.

I was doing over 70-80 mph.. Lol i pulled out of krispy kream on the berlin turnpike and rode a 12oclock for a little bit. I pulled back in 10 min later and everyone was like DUUUUDEEEEE! that was sweet. So i said "you like that, watch this" and did a 12oclock (it was more like 11) on the gas tank with my legs out. and just came down wrong. Slid through an in intersection. I jumped up before the bike stopped sliding.


So how about those pics with the NEW damage that was all Suzuki's fault?

Edit: Since Lotus49 decided to edit his post, I want to make it clear that he is the idiot, not TT.

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im going to just ignore you and call you a #####...even if at part you are right...  Regardless wether it was from me or its a warranty issue there is no reason for you to be like that
Oh I'm sorry.  I just came back from my sensitivity training class and took my ritalin.

Awwwww....poor guy I hope Suzuki gives you a brand new bike cause you really deserve it.

I also think your insurance company and or Suzuki should give you money too for your mental anguish...heck we need to start up a collection on the board here and donate some money to your cause too.

So how about those pics with the NEW damage that was all Suzuki's fault?

Turbo,  don't ya know he fixed all of that just two days before Suzuki's faulty chain caused him to crash (again).  He should get the cost of the repairs as well as a brand new bike.


This kind of explains why the insurance company wants $11,000 a year to insure him.  Which is why he rides without coverage.  Which could be why he wants Suzuki to replace his trashed bike.  Good thing the Suzuki dealer going to look at the chain and sprockets and say two words "NOT WARRANTEE". This is the kind of sh!t that makes it hard for people who have real defects to get the warrantee honored.

In his next thread, Lotus49 will be talking about getting a lawyer and suing Suzuki for the damages, medical bills, pain and suffering, etc. and badmouthing the dealer. Oh yeah, not a word about the stunts and other crashes again.

You can't get anything over on Turbo-Torch.  
I remembered the thread with the stunt crash, but didn't link it back to this guy trying to get our sympathy for being stupid.
hehe.. yah.. wheelies are rough on a chain..

it also makes the rear sprocket look just like yours does now if you jerk the bike around all the time.
I deleted the posts.. it was a stupid question and i didnt want ppl to start on some stupid things.. so sorry if it offended anyone.
I just thought this forum was open to any idea's, suggestions, questions, and comments...

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I haven't followed your posts but from what I have seen from the rest of the board you will be hard pressed to get any sympathy here. I too had a chain break on me and it was from my own squid antics. The knowledge of these bikes here goes too deep and you will never be able to BS any of us.

Now if honestly these things did happen like you say then I sympahtize with you and hope you the best of luck but when I broke my chain Suzuki gave me the big brush off and I paid for the damages myself, you live and learn. Suck it up and move on and stop trying to BS the best site out there.

Stick around and you can learn a lot from a large group of very knowledgeable people or you can move on, your choice. Good luck!

PS read my sigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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