Energy Drinks

this and the purple can was my favorite before i just went to the b12 pills.

Yea the purple is pretty good also, i think it is called monster mixed, i just like what it says on the side of the purple can also, kinda reminds if the good oh days, i also take the chewable B-12 tablets the cherry flavor, they are pretty good eat like 25 at a time and have a monster and roll pretty good for a couple of hours. :thumbsup:
my favorite is cocaine, it comes in a small red can and is hard to find. They took them off the shelves about a year ago because of the name. But they showed back up some how. it burns your chest when you drink it but it works.
I have been drinking 5-hour energy before each of my AFF skydives here lately. Seems to help with staying focused. Then again...
I drink this Bad Mother:laugh:
Better check your blood pressure before you drink those things....
I kinda like the NOS drinks. Especially when I'm at the track. I get a bottle of dope for the bike and one for me:laugh: Or I like to drink the NO-EXPLODE weight loss suppliment from GNC. I'm trying to get my sexy back:rofl:???:laugh::whistle: