Decals are in

Ok I ordered mine - was I first again?
Captain, are you planing to have a sticker of just the conji with the hayabusa logo? Thanks
Ordered a couple for myself. Just a thought, should the placement of the sticker be uniform (same spot) for all members' busas? You know, easy recognition so that everytime you see or look at another busa (first North America, next the world!) you'll know if the rider is a member or not. Anyway, was just thinking aloud. BTW, where would be a good placement for the sticker? Sticker size again?
You know I'm in! I owe you money, so we can just add hats and stickers in my bill.

BTW, I would pay a lot more for DECALS than I would for STICKERS....

<marquee>MARKETING 101</marquee>

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just got me two..

I think i'm gonna trim the clear off around the graphic before I peel-n-stic though.. very cool Cap! Be ultra cool if I had mine already with me to show off at the "busa bash" this weekend..... -hint- -hint-
thinker has a point.. "decals" is to "stickers" what "floor covering protection devices" are to "mats"
I will get them in the mail today, there is a chance that you could get them in time....

Hey Cap. The logo on the new main page looks awesome. Are you planning on sending to make decals with that style?
Yeh! I like both of them to. I will purchase both styles if it becomes available.
Eventually, we already has the artwork submitted and maximum71 released the new image to me, I like the new one too.... Its prolly wont be anytime soon though..
