Crazy Motorcyclist Video

future Statistic just a matter of time. Can you imagine if there was a little gravel anywhere on the shoulder then it would have been a crash video for ebaumsworld
Jeeze, what is the rider thinking.... thats just insane and uncalled for. Not only did he endanger himself, but look at all move the cars were making to get out of the way. what an a$$.
umm maybe i am confused but isnt the spedo hooked up to the front tire
? if so how does it keep counting in a wheelie

I was waiting for the tires to slide on some gravel. And when this person does have an accident, I hope that this person does not injure anyone else.
crazy --
did any 1 notice how easy he got a wheel up? im thinking huge rear sprocket, which also means slower than indicated speed:;):
does it make me a bad person since I was kinda WANTING to see him dump it?