Colors and Speeding Tickets Survey

Hey Spaz, I've had a few episodes over in your state :) but I did get one ticket there. I didn't know the roads in that area.
O tickets on bikes in 8 years. Some prick CHP tried to set me up, last night, on my copper Busa. Didn't get enough on me to get a case, even though he swooped across 2 lanes of traffic to get next to me. I cut throttle down to 50 mph, saw no lights. He slowed down right next to me. I looked him straight in the eye, then took it back to 65 mph. He got tired of following me for 2 miles, and got some other poor slob (car), 4 miles farther down the road. My girl friend was following 200' behind be, and saw the whole thing. I would have loved to got that prick into court. I'm 4 for 5 in court cases. Last case, for stop sign beef was dismissed for lack of evidence. :D, 6 months ago.
Black/gray...11000 miles tickets, accidents or stops.
As a matter of fact, none of the above in last 50+ years of riding on the street with bikes of all colors. Lots of close calls; I've been very lucky.
Blue/Silver, about two thousand miles. I was pulled over once (50 in a 35, practically idling after a short 130mph burst for a block or two)but was not even given a warning. The cop was a sport bike rider, admired the Busa, and let me off completely. And THAT was a new experience for me. I lost my license for tickets before I ever turned 16 because of riding oversize bikes(with straight pipes and **** ) when I was 14 and 15, and I NEVER got out of tickets when I was younger. I try to be courteous now, which helps a lot.Hell, just stopping AT ALL should give me brownie points anyway, it seems to me!
Blue/Silver - 0 tickets

hehehe, 0 miles on bike ..

1 ticket on my old bike, fought it and won! ALWAYS get a ticket for 120 in 100kph zone in my truck.
Black/Grey...No tickets, one warning. Always fight a speeding ticket. 9 times out of 10 the officer won't show-up in court. Results in a dismissal.

No tickets, one close call but Valentine came through. I now call my radar detector Saint Valentine, :)
stopped 12 times, no tickets.

Falcon, sucks to be us dont it!

Blue/Silver - O tickets but only 300 miles on bike so far. I was stopped a few years ago on my 90 ZX7. I was chasing after a hog rider to check out the bike. The cop said he was doing over 70, in a 55 zone, trying to catch me. I didn't know he was there till I took an exit ramp and slowed down. He let me off because I had a motorcycle license and insurance.
Red--0 so far....but only had it two days. Given the raping I got from the insurance company, I think I'll spend the $400 for a Valentine and not provide them an oportunity to put a gun to my head for more premium.