About a year back I was stopped in the center turning lane of a busy 4+1 lane road, waiting to make a left. I suddenly felt a rush of air as a near out of control car missed my right side by no more than a foot while trying to avoid another car who pulled out in fron of him. I was lucky.
A few weeks ago I witnessed the immediate aftermath of an accident at the Staten Island Ferry in NYC, where two motorcyclists were hit while stopped at a traffic light. As I arrived, one bike was still invisibly pinned under the car, which had ridden up on it, striking the second bike and crushing the rider's helmeted head. NYPD had just put a blanket over the second rider's body, whose brains were draining out onto the street.
Look in your mirrors occasionally when stopped with no covering vehicles behind you!
A few weeks ago I witnessed the immediate aftermath of an accident at the Staten Island Ferry in NYC, where two motorcyclists were hit while stopped at a traffic light. As I arrived, one bike was still invisibly pinned under the car, which had ridden up on it, striking the second bike and crushing the rider's helmeted head. NYPD had just put a blanket over the second rider's body, whose brains were draining out onto the street.
Look in your mirrors occasionally when stopped with no covering vehicles behind you!