Check Your Six When Stopped


About a year back I was stopped in the center turning lane of a busy 4+1 lane road, waiting to make a left. I suddenly felt a rush of air as a near out of control car missed my right side by no more than a foot while trying to avoid another car who pulled out in fron of him. I was lucky.

A few weeks ago I witnessed the immediate aftermath of an accident at the Staten Island Ferry in NYC, where two motorcyclists were hit while stopped at a traffic light. As I arrived, one bike was still invisibly pinned under the car, which had ridden up on it, striking the second bike and crushing the rider's helmeted head. NYPD had just put a blanket over the second rider's body, whose brains were draining out onto the street.

Look in your mirrors occasionally when stopped with no covering vehicles behind you!
i do this as a common practice... people in hawaii are notorious for running red lights and not having their heads out of you know where
I watch my mirror as much as the car in front when I'm on the brakes. Saved my behind last week as I saw the puckup was probably not gong to be able to stop and I was able to get out of the way.
I watch my mirror as much as the car in front when I'm on the brakes. Saved my behind last week as I saw the puckup was probably not gong to be able to stop and I was able to get out of the way.
Me too, any time I slow down, I check the mirrors for distance and watch behind me until the person behind me is stopped. In gear and looking for escape until traffic is moving again.
Anyone here who knows who RSD is knows how life changing getting rear ended can be.

I always stop between lanes to give just a little bit more space that could make the difference.
Stopping and staying in gear while checking the rear mirror, offset to which ever side affords the best escape route no matter if a car is behind me or not, is always traffic light protocol for me!
Same here. Sitting at a light watching the mirror has become a ritual for me too.
Coming to work this morning I was stopped at a light and noticed the truck coming up fast. I was in gear and the light changed. The truck was on my ass as I accelerated away from the light. Scared the crap out of me. Be careful out there. :please:
What bizarre timing.

An acquaintence, Marcel, didn't show for a ride yesterday (Saturday). He's not a real group 'regular', but when we did our ride report, he posted up in the thread exactly why he didn't make it. Reportedly, this happened Friday evening.

Luckily, he's okay.


Marcel's Gixxer.jpg
One thing I always do when stopped is angle the bike a little so I can see better behind me and always stay in gear and plan a escape route to prepare for the worst.
I do it all the in my car but not once on my bike. Something I will start doing on the bike. I even remember when fate got hit from behind. Thank for the post :beerchug:
Allways Follow your Instinct. I can't tell you how many times that little voice inside my head said "Don't Turn Here" "Don't Stop Keep Going" .

I was on the Bay Bridge coming back from a Ride with Bill (Mymaster) When Something told me to Drop the hammer and Pass that BUS ahead of You ASAP !!!!!!! Well I Did, only to Hear the Screachin Sound of Car Brakes Behind me and Seeing the Bus Slide Sidways trying to avoid Hitting the Car in front of Him...............
the only person that is concerned with your safety when you are on the road is you...i always keep an eye on what is happening behind me and out to the never know where the next threat is coming from! stay safe out there :beerchug:
heres a few pics from the 1967, 68 era when i was a father was nailed from behind on his AJS i think it was (maybe someone could confirm this...anyway, i remember him saying the women was counting money, it wa friday and payday and she rolled over the top of my pop at a light...he ws ok after he said he climbed out from the car that ran him over

and his i think 58 harley? and me on my second bike that i bought with my paper route...TS 50 Suzuki but never got rear ended:laugh:

sorry just found these pics and thought it was fun:beerchug:

old pop picks 001.jpg

old pop picks 002.jpg

old pop picks 003.jpg

old pop picks 004.jpg

old pop picks 005.jpg

old pop picks 006.jpg

old pop picks 007.jpg
i do this as a common practice... people in hawaii are notorious for running red lights and not having their heads out of you know where

Yeah, last week monday my brother got into an accident, he was riding his R1 down nimitz and paiea st. when a suv ran the red to turn down byrons, my brother t-boned the side of the suv.

Broken finger, broken neck, broken back broken ribs jeez....People get complacent when they drive cars...what's the worst that could happen, smashed bumper?...deployed airbag?..

I'm gonna rent a H1 hummer and tbone that driver once my brother gets better.:banghead: