Went for a ride the other day(when it finally stopped raining and the 40mph winds ceased.lol)and was coming up on a red light and noticed a big rig barreling down on me(heard him down shifting brrrrr brrrrr brrrrr ect.) After he finally stopped I noticed he was on his cell phone. Well two years ago at the same stop light when I was riding to work that day I rolled up on a scene where a guy had just been ran over and dragged several hundred feet by a semi. The only reason he stopped was because he saw the guys helmet roll out from under his truck(he wasnt wearing it,it was locked to his bike.) Rider did not survive. It was a double lane highway stop light and the guys girlfriend was in her car next to him talking to him at the red light. The semi driver was on his cell phone and forgot the rider was in front of him when the light turned green. Anyhow moral to my story is I cannot stand cell phones(never needed them when i was growin up!)and still freak out when a semi ends up behind me! Be safe out there brothers and sisters and rip fellow rider I still think about ya!