A young fellow where I work, he's 21, purchased a '99 Blackbird for 4 grand. He has dreams of a wide tire kit, slammed and stretched. I don't have the heart to tell him the blackbird is not the best bike to start out on, or bling out for that matter, so I've got him to sign up for riders training and I'm steering him towards a well maintained bike as opposed to a 300 kit and a Turbo right off the bat. He listens to me because I'm a older "cool" guy with a Busa.
He was talking about a 240 kit for the blackbird and I was just curious if such a beast was made. That's all. I googled, but could find nothing.
Seeing as he's the dishwasher, I'm sure reality will hit home as soon as he purchases a few rear tires for it and has no money is left over for his dreams.
Guys i can't find the dam site. It is an expensive Mod... I will keep looking for site later but will try an point you in the right direction for the Mod someone in the XX Forums maybe of more help to connect you. 240 rear tire Conversion? - CBRXX.com
The mod has been done i will keep trying to track the site down, :down:
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