Brocks secondary throttle plate removal

In A mode, when I'm on the throttle hard, I'm noticing a bit of a surge in power after the engine winds up a bit. This is not only in first gear but in second and maybe third. I am not sure if I notice this sensation in 4-6. With the drive mode selector set in A mode, I thought the flies would only effect 1st gear ...or perhaps not restrict power at all in any gear. Are the secondaries programmed to work in all gears and in all drive modes?

The secondaries work in every gear and every mode.
The stp opening rate change is a copy/paste of 1st/5th to the other gears(if I remember the gears correctly, I'll have to double check)
The stp fuel is set to 100 in every cell and every gear. These aren't my settings either, Smith himself was kind enough to set the stp's via internet for me.
Ecu Editor is his, so I know he's correct.
nope. He just said INFOrmation, Johnny. I've gotten several great tips from you for which I am grateful. I don't blame you for not giving everything away. Business is business.

Thanks, sixpack. I will paste a link to this thread in my busa mods file. It will be a big help when I get around to trying the flies tuning mod.