Best Bike Magazine


I hate to have to say this...but most US produced sport motorcycle mags suck. You can't exactly blame us though, because we don't exactly produce sport bikes.

My favourites have to be "Bike" (UK) and "Two Wheels" (Australia). I think "Performance Bikes" (UK) is hilarious, but it isn't really as technical as I like my bike mags.

What are some of your favourties, and where are they from?
cycle world and sport rider come in the mail i browz barnes and nobel for the rest
All of 'em....anything I can get my hands on. Unfortunately, it's limited to CycleWorld, Sport Rider and Motorcyclist.
I like Easy Rider also known as Sleezy Rider. I buy it for the entertainment value + I got a thing for a sweety at the HD store where I buy the rag & I like to pay her a visit every so often.  

The game starts when I enter the HD store & am immeadiately approached by a sales rep. Its a different one every time. They ask strange questions like " Do you have a bike now" as I am standing there in my ride gear. Or "Can we put you on a new Harley today"? My standard reply "Maybe--if you have something on the floor that is faster & corners & stops better than my Hayabusa & I can get out the door for around 11K I'm a player". Their standard answer -- "We sell cruisers".

I like to play "lets count the helmets". The last issue had a 10-12 page pull out from Sturgis & I think I counted 3 beanies.

I also play "How fast do I think it will corner before I'm pulling asphalt out of my azz" as I check out the feature bikes.

I also do a coin toss on the feature bikes. Heads it runs, tails it don't.

I also like the "Foxhunt" section. Readers submit pix of their topless chicks & they are voted on. Monthly winner gets a photo op. I try to find the one with the smallest mammary's, very few of them. I also like petite cutie pies. I have yet to vote for anyone in this section.

I like to fantasize about building a chopper. I always get pencil & paper & start writing down parts prices. This engine, that transmission, this frame, those wheels etc, etc. I always get about 1/2 way through listing what I need & start adding it up & say "holy crap!! thats 2 Hayabusas. Forget that".

Finally, its time for my memory test, I try to remember what grade I was in at school as I read the "Passing Gass" section. It is supposed to be the humor page with jokes submitted by readers. Mostly old ones spiced up with a few gross ones.

Heck I think I have a 2 week wait  before the next issue hits the store.  I need an excuse to visit that sweetie, I already have Buell pegs.

EDIT: I am probably off topic with this post but I get confused easy. The topic is best bike mag but I just reread the text & its for best SPORT bike mag. I'll delete it if you like.

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Sport rider. UK mags are bias and use strange words.

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In the mag rack at this time:
Super StreetBike
Friction Zone

They all have something to I like.