Bash Shirts --- The Road


Dis in my way!
Staff member
Ok ladies and gentlemen... I put a PRE Shirt order up today so the folks that want an outta da road shirt can make an order. It will take at least a couple of weeks to get these done since this is the only batch that will be made. Its going to go pretty quick because I need to get the orders in, shirts made and shipped before the fall bash for those that want them before then.

If the time gets to close to the bash I have worked a deal out with Omar where I can ship them to his house and he will distribute at the bash.....

Anyone want one?


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wow you got the shipping costs right the first time? :rofl: order done.. I can take delivery at bash.. Omar is coming? GREAT!!!!
I want two... order going in!
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Just orderd Julie and I one each. Can we pick them up at the fall bash :thumbsup: