Glad you're OK.
That sucks Nate. Wish I had some parts for you , but I lowsided on the same side in Sept. Glad you were not hurt bad.
Sorry to hear about your mishap.If i were you i'd be very very grateful! It cud have been so much worse,and you are ok!!!!!From reading your post it sounds like you're in the "right" frame of mind, as far as i am concerned.Bent metal and bad plastic is really "puppy ****" in the grande scheme of things.
I had something very similar happen to me.Immediatley after it happened. i stood up and i was just really happy that it wasn't any worse.The cager in my case stopped and offered me to pay for the damages.
I was riding my 04 Suzuki Bandit at the time and i was way way way too low on what the damage was.
I ende up saying "just give me fifty bucks!"
The guy i was riding with(he had his own bike) and i had A beer and chicken wings and that was the end of that!!!!
Damn brother, glad you are okay. Have to be careful of those jerks in cars *especially* since they are all in such a damn hurry to get to Wal-Mart and get the sales!

I guess killing bikers is worth it to save $0.79 on a present for someone.
That's tough spot. Sorry to hear of this incident...regardless of the time of year (ref: bah-humbug).

I have the Two Brothers bolt-ons on my 06LE and have them on order for the '08, 'cuz they sound SO fantastic. I'm not kidding you...they're just the perfect amount of growl. Not obnoxiously loud, yet a far cry from the stock cans.

My friends 'hate' me for them. ;)

Everyone says my '08 is too stealthy and I need to upgrade the pipes...additionally, the pipes on the '08 are HEAVY. Gotsta go!

What a relief that you're not further damaged.

Let us know if anything comes up that you need help you've seen, this is THEE group to belong to.

Best wishes.

Nothing wrong with a little rash. Just a tatoo for memories. Leather might keep the rash away but it wont stop a bone from breaking! I know one thing for sure, you were soar in the morning. I had the same thing with oil or grease or something left by a garbage truck.
mannn angels were watching over you.

i had one driver of a car at a light tell me my brights [HID] wer on and i should turn them down. i waved with a friendly nod. no way am i turning my hid off, i need to be seen.
Glad you're OK.  I've never gone down...hope to never go down.  You never know when it is going to happen, though.   Me