
Helped a chick out whose 2nd "MAN" took all her keys, including bike key as well as keyed her new car etc etc.  So as a friend I took tripple tree off and removed ignition so she could go get keys made.  DIDNT ASK QUESTIONS... I knew there were some issues with 1st man being on registration and locked up so she couldnt just have a lock smith come to house.  I know em both and I know it's not a stolen bike.  NO BIG DEAL to me.  During the "removal" my truck is in the drive way 20 feet away.  Jr listening to radio decides to open LOCK BOX underseat, whose had all the training, beatings, etc etc in the world and KNOWS better decides to discharge a round thru my new truck floor and into the transmission housing. Trucks dead in driveway.  No one hurt.  Long story about this alone dont ask.  Main point trucks down less than 30 days old.
Jr has no butt left.

Try to help out another rider whose bike is "acting funny"  I didnt want to test ride it because I didnt want the responsibility of it.  They insisted.  I put it on a stand and listen, run it up, nothing serious noted.  Go ride it.  Engine seized, tranny locked, over the front I go sliding down concrete divider like spiderman.  FULL GEAR ON.  Sore, not hurt.  Hold your hand next to your face and smell your palm.  Thats my face shield against the wall slidding.  FUgged up my chrome helmet, cloves, MESH coat and boots.  Sore wrists nothing to write home about.  Main point.  Need  new gear, to replace new gear.  Glad Im not hurt but their bike is totalled.  I feel guilty. But not in position to replace it.  Their cool about it cause of how I felt before ride.  Has insurance.  Lost cell phone and wallet underseat of bike.

Thurs: Cant remember too sore.  But cant call anyone CAUSE I DONT KNOW ANYONES NUMBER, all in phone.

Fri: Some a HOLE began using my credit cards even after being reported lost.  BY the way I found out at least for these fools that if you swipe your blockbuster card, or license w/strip on back of card, thru shell station pump you can pump gas.  It thinks it's a credit card.  Dont ask got calls about my license being used...

Sat: Find out that credit card is used over $1000.00 in purchases so far and banks closed.  Cant get online servers down.  

Sun: old baby moma drama surfaces.  Makes for bad day for JR.  I have custody of.  Cant see mom for awhile.

MON: Contact bank.  They pretty much tell they cant do anything until all the fraudulant charges "POST".  Meantime my account is bouncing to the heavens.  Then I can contact "despute" and file a claim.  But no info on current bouncing items or NSF fees.  Now Im fuming.

Later in day...

Work Truck died in middle of sahara (KNOW WHERE).  Also cant call due to no cell.  Lost see above. Nothing but flat dirt lands everywhere on a gravel road and it's a hot 85 degrees.  Walk until truck is out of site.  Have a migrane with qweesy stomache and quite possibly instantanous bowell evacuation developement.  Suddenly it gets very dark very fast and a hail storm unleaseshed on me.  I swear a freight train passed by, Then it rained like hell on me.  All I could do was crouch down and try not to get to beat up.  Now Im wet, sore, muddy and pissed plus I dont feel well. I decided to walk back to the truck.  Migrane has "CUT OFF HEAD" written all over it.  As fast as the storm came, Like nothing happened, it got sweltering hot again.  Man felt like a movie.  Now I feel like I have heat exhaustion.  

As I get near the truck I look up and realized that there is a telephone pole next to the front of my truck no problems just didnt notice it before.  Maybe 10-12 feet in front of truck.  The pole in front of that one towards me is broken off 1/2 way up and power lines are down.  The 17 poles in front of that one were broken off and/or laying down towards the dirt fields.  I looked back to where I was bent down and the pole closest to me was still standing.  HOWEVER EVERY pole between those two were down.  There was a path thru the dirt field and a burn across the gravel road.  A FRIGGIN TORNADO passed between me and the truck.  Im so glad I didnt say "CAN ANYTHING ELSE GO WRONG TODAY".  I get into the truck and it started right up like nothing happened.

Finished the job I was going to work on and went home, not before running out of gas at the pump.  Had $6.00 in pocket.  Enuff for some alieve and gas to get home.  Beatch wanted to charge me for cup of water.  I almost snapped.  Just smiled and got the water anyway.

Get home.  Plopped down on the bed to find one of the bouced checks was the satalite bill.  It's now turned off and JR decided today was a good day to install every pop up creator in history. Took about 20 min to get to type this "NOTE"

So here I am tired of beatchin and I have a headache. Cant drink due to alergies and I dont smoke. Craked open a MT Dew...

Thanks for lettin me vent.  Please keep an eye on your children cause just when you think it's happens. and Dont forget your credit statments.  I caught mine the day it was used.  Pure luck.  Thank the lord that he had his hand in my business today.  Be safe.  

PS. What everyou do... KEEP SMILIN! Or ya might just....



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damn ice im sorry dude what up with shorty poppin caps
goddamn ida shet a brick if its any condolances, the hid kit is still blazin bright and pissin EVERYONE off
Damn, bro... Here's to better times tomorow, huh?
Hope it gets better soon. Sounds like scenes from a bad movie! At least the tornado didn't take ya away!

Vent on us anytime, bro. We're all friends here.

Damn Ice sorry to hear about your week. Like you said keep smiling and keep your head up and it will always get better. Just be thankful for JR, It could have been worse.
thats it buddy let it all out

just think of what i felt like wrecking a new bike the first day a got it with 50 miles and insurance didnt cover it. now i laugh about it but belive me for 6 months after the wreck i didnt smile.

your gonna look back and tell your kid the story of what happened in these few days and you and him will laugh about it over a cold beer.

dont worry things will get better
wow..................let's see..............bad day?...............not hardly................
near apocalypse......................yeah, that probably fits better!!!! You've been through the wringer!!!! Glad you can still smile about it. You're a better man than doubt!!!! Hope the next few days are fantastic just to even things out a bit!!!! Good luck! Sent an arrow skyward......hope it helps!!!!

Sorry to hear about your run in with bad luck. If it makes you feel better I was going to put my house on the market last Monday until I put my foot through my kitchen ceiling.
I was up in the attic when I lost my balance and went to step on a 2X10 only to find out it wasn't susported where I stepped. Right through the ceiling with my right foot. Damn the bad luck. It's fixed now so the house gets listed in the morning.
Wow. and I thought I was having a bad week because the soon-to-be inlaws were just here. You are now my new hero ice for keeping cool like that...if it was me I know I would have snapped multiple times by now and probably be in jail or something. maybe its just the italian temper. I'm very sorry to hear about your shi**y week. once again, I commend you for stayin cool. keep your head up man...
Holy sh*t ICE! It'll be a long, long time before I'm willing to say "I'm having a very bad day!"

Sorry everything came crashing in, and then the migraine on top of it all...hope you've gotten all of the bad things out of your system!

And I'm so glad no one (but the truck) was hurt during Jr's little mishap...that's scary stuff...
Damn Ice you did have a bad week, glad to hear your kid is alright, i know it must have scared the crap out if him....I'm sure you'll have nothing but lots of good weeks coming, because I don't think it can ever be any worse than this past week, keep your head up Player
I am speechless. You need to vent?!?!! In your place, I would need a week to rest in a tropical paradise surrounded by beautiful tanned women
Dayum Iceeeeeeeeee!! I'm so sorry, but glad you and Jr. are okay! I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you in a while, I thought maybe it was my breath...
Little did I know you were experiencing your own version of the Wizard of Oz....

Send me a PM honey with a number to reach you.....

Dayuum!!!! ICEMANN, So does the Biblical tale of Job take on a new meaning yet? Keep the faith Bro, sounds like a test to me... Oh and time to get a locking case for the ole' firearm...

But man, talk about an extra rough week... Got any time off stored up? Might be a good time to use some of it and just head to your Mom's place if you can, or an Uncle or whomever you got. Go and just relax for a few days, take a break from your life... Let the dust settle...

Glad your still intact bro...

Sorry to hear about all your bad luck. Makes my 470 bucks stolen from paypal seem like nothing. Keep smiling and enroll that boy in a handgun safety course.
WOW ! That was a bad day. Hope things get better for ya ICE.

Hang in there.
like you said, It could always get worse. Just think goodness it wasnt. Glad to hear Jr is Ok but If it were me, I think I would have killed him and just told God he died.

Hope it gets better brother.

ICE, I don't even know where to begin! I'll start with prayers for you and your family......
Hey Ice sounds like you were
"shot at and missed and and poop on and hit"
I hope things get better for you this week!
Keep the faith