Anyone wanna sell the rear plastic fender?

OB_Lofty Abuse

Well, now that I know my bikes in good order, does anyone have the rear plastic under fender that they might want to sell?

I put a really trick fender eliminator kit on and I got just a little too eager with the dremel tool. I cut away more than I needed to. You really cant see it unless you crawl up under the bike, but it still bothers me.

I have a stock underfender that I removed when I replaced it with an Atech underfender kit that I bought from Kawabuser.
It was pretty easy - just remove some bolts and push pull pins, chnage over the signal lights and tag. I gave around $220 for the fiberglass model. The carbon is more. I also added a rear hugger I bought from the UK.
Actually, no, its not whacked up badly, just took off a litlle more than I wanted to with the fender eliminator kit I have.

When I get a replacement, you can have the one I have, if you pay shipping.
It was about 2 weeks - maybe a little longer. It only ended up being about $140 US including shipping for the fiberglass model. It used stock bolt locations - no drilling required. I purchased from NWS.
I was trying to track down a second underfaring to x-periment with also, Maybe I will look into the Atech and get the job done without the headache.

if anyone elso has a stock one laying around collecting dust or, Lofty, if your old one isn't too hacked up maybe I can do something with it.

Does Atech have a Website with Pics?

E-mail me at


[This message has been edited by Mis4tun81 (edited 07 August 2000).]
Todd can post pics of that hugger? I'd like to see it! What does NWS stand for, you got # for them, why did you go to U.K. for a hugger? are they that much better or just better looking? Thanks in advance! Woody!

I have some pics of my own that I posted on a while back but I would have to dig around to find them. There are pics on the website. They were the first I could locate to offer a hugger using stock locations/no drilling.

They have carbon and fiberglass. I just called them up the phone and used my Visa. The currency conversion is taken care of by Visa. Mine came already painted black but you could repaint it a different color if you wanted to. The chain guard is built in too.