08 busa orange & black -black or chrome

Here are pics of a couple 2008 black and orange hayabusas we sold with 240 kits and polished wheels. Some single side and some not.




Im all about the Chrome.

I dont think you will go wrong either way but in this case I think I would go with the Black.
pretty nice stickers and reflectors.... :lol:

wheres the lines for those bottles?

wtf your bikes turbo and has voodoo tips?

+1 :rofl:
total squid mobile. please wash those stickers off with lighter fluid and dry the bike with a match. that gixxer is what makes people laugh at suzuki guys. let me guess, you got a mohawk helmet too?
can't take credit for it (wish I could!)... don't know whose bike it is - but it's one of the best "ORANGE" schemes I've seen.
The busa with the chrome kanji belonged to a buddy of mine here in NW Fl. He sold it to someone in South Carolina. He was thinking about buying a boat. :thumbsup: