Ok, so who is intrested in a meet up

Ill be there Tommorow Morning and dont be riding like a little ***** when i get out there lol.
Still good my way. Im tryin to convince the wiff to get off early. Knowing my luck she'll get off late.
My buddy wants to follow, but i told him i'd converse with the commitee (you guys) if it was ok.
He just sold his Busa 7 days ago and regreted it, so he went and bawt a R1.
So if you guys are cool with him showing for the meal he might follow, otherwise ill leave his arse back in CT.

wouldnt you know it!! who gets the flu in the middle of June??
Oh yea, I DO.
Ran a high temp last night and felt like a bag a doo.
got up this morning not feeling too great, so im just gonna play it by the hour.
I'm gonna be SO DAMN MAD if i cant go.
keep ya posted.
You sure you're not getting cold feet? Come on, I was out roaring it up till 3:30 am last night and I'm all ready to go!
lol./ i think i sweat it off this morning, had the cold sweat for no reason. the kids and dogs are keepin me going.
I think im just feeling the after math of it now. Runny nose etc....
So as of right now (noon) i plan on going.
See ya soon.
Got back to the house last night around 1045.
Got a quick shower and crawled in bed.

SO>..........only got a few pics, but they're good ones.
I can't describe the size of the ribs other than when you look at the pictures you can see the fork/knife next to one of em.
Fun times were had by all, and i hate that i had to leave right after we ate.
Brendan should be posting some pics here shortly and im sure Tito and his boy are getting ready for the long haul back home.
