Friend wanted to ride my busa

Nobody rides mine, and I don't ride anybody else's bike. Your friend should understand who you are, and accept that fact.
You have a real nice bike and you want to keep it that way. Good call Daryll.

Hey man give me a call to talk about doing the lowering and extentions. We have to get a plan of attack to pull this off with sucess. 540-223-3785 Paul
Like you said: your friend does not own a Busa, why let him ride yours and wind up both of you not owning a Busa.
Dear Org.
I get home last night from being TDY in FL.  Read a couple of emails.  Check the org.  PM Shibumi about his Pazzo's.  After I install my levers, a friend come over to the house.  He see my bike and asks if he can take it out.  I say no very quickly.  My wife said I sounded very mean and upset when saying it.  I did not know that you can sound both mean and upset when using a two letter word???  Anyway, I went away feeling bad.  I have no problems with letting someone with a busa or other high end sport bike ride my bike.  I assume that they understand how I feel about my stuff.   They respect it becuase they respect their own. My friend does not understand busas.  He always asks the stupid questions like why do you wear gear.  He can ride, but just not my bike!!  He mentioned that he has seen me offer my bike to other friends, and I have.  (They ride busas.  They own or have owned several.  They teach me everytime I get around them)  My friend misses all of that!!!!  He is upset at me now.  I understand his point.  But I will not change my mind.  

Tom (Postal) you know who I am talking about.  He asked to ride your bike a while back.  What do you guys do in a situation like this?

Hey...Bass, sup with your friend? huh?
I don't care who he is...and the specially the way it sounds like that? (asking why wearing gears and ****...)
tell him, take a hike...and I think you better let the ppl(family and friends...) know, that you take seriously about the is not a recriational toy...period.
Let's put it this way...anyone who I ride with? they never ask riding someone else's bike...and me? sometimes, they ask me to ride around, but I usually say nope...
My theory is, what if I fall for something stupid reason? or cuz of it is new to me, so anything could happen right? I E...I just don't...
Besides, about the squid wannabe, why is your wife gettin upset? are they think this is some kind of toy from "ToysRus"
so, make your wife mad cuz, you didn't let the frend meanning less ride session? you did the right thing...I wouldn't even think funny about it, and plus, if he knows about manor of the rider? he wouldn't asking things like that in first place...
If you cannot write me a check for the Full replacement cost? If you don't have a license? If you are in any way squidly?
You are not riding... No way!

Then I just usually laugh... ALOT.

Don't give a crap if you feel bad, if it upsets you. If you're a buddy you'll get over it, if you're a friend you wouldn't have asked.

If he has a little sand in his (*(#*$#^ that's his problem. I've seen more "buddies" crash bikes than I can count... Fug That.

Next time ask him if you can take his fuggin wife or girlfriend for a ride?

Nobody rides.
If its insured,,, who cares,,, just as long as he has insurance!!!!

It could create an even bigger problem if your friend wrecks the bike... because then money/bike repair vs friendship comes into play. Better to hurt someone's feelings than hurt the bike, the bank, and the friendship.
Give me the keys to your house, then you can ride it. That is if I like you.
You did the right thing . Case in point. I have two very good friends. One owned a Kawi zx-9r. Brand new off the showroom floor. , My other buddy asked could he ride. When my boy with the bike asked could he ride, he replied yes. So in front of everyone he gets on the bike. Starts it up, puts it into gear and proceeds to run it right into a car a half block up. Totaled the bike (IN FRONT OF A COP CAR). sO NO Claiming tipped over etc. Then my buddy asks him to pay for the bike. My buddy couldnt. He didnt have any money to help him out. So the guy who owned the bike ended up claiming it on his insurance. Rates went up. Paid off the loan never got another bike. and lost a good friend. The word no would have never have casued that problem.
NO, NO , A THOUSAND TIMES NO ...AND DON'T ASK NO MO !!!!  If he drops it and does like 2 grand in damages he'll avoid you like you have the plague.
Dear Friends Mother, i am writing this to inform you that your Son is dead. See, he asked me to ride my 175hp motorcycle and I didn't want to hurt his feelings by saying No, so i let him. Things went great from what the accident investigation team said until he hit a stretch of open road and decided to roll on the throttle hard. Well since he had no previous Busa experience he did not realize he was going to get up to 185 mph before reaching the 35mph curve to the right. I've mailed his body to you in two boxes to save on freight. Don't worry, I used two glad bags in each box. have a nice day...
No and if they didn't hear it the first time.. NO!!!
I have only let two people ride "My Baby"... my Brother who has been riding for years and my Cousin who also has ridden for many years. If they weren't Family they wouldn't have ridden her either.
A Friend would understand the no, except it and move on...
Dear Friends Mother, i am writing this to inform you that your Son is dead. See, he asked me to ride my 175hp motorcycle and I didn't want to hurt his feelings by saying No, so i let him. Things went great from what the accident investigation team said until he hit a stretch of open road and decided to roll on the throttle hard. Well since he had no previous Busa experience he did not realize he was going to get up to 185 mph before reaching the 35mph curve to the right. I've mailed his body to you in two boxes to save on freight. Don't worry, I used two glad bags in each box. have a nice day...
The motorcycle golden rule: One must have a bike that I am willing to be seen on and ride until the damages to my bike are finished to MY satisfaction, to even be considered to ride. PERIOD.
ive had a few friends wanna ride my busa. each time i said no. but usually ill say "sure" in a joking manner and they just say "phuq that.. i just wanted to see what you would say". i do have a roommate that likes to sit on it when im warming it b 4 i go to work (and im inside grabbing dinner out of the fridge). i know he aint gonna ride it.. still erks me some.
Your friend must understand that the Busa is something personal....
Like a toothbrush. You just don't let people borrow these things.
I wish a MOFO would ask me if they could ride my shid. They would have a better chance getting five (back of my hand) across his lipz.
That goes for family too.
I have been telling two guys I work with for over a year NO. Both ride crusers, a Harley and a V star. I don't have a problem because I payed for it. I don't understand why people can't understand No means No, and that should be that!