Busa changes for 09 model year

1. Oil fill hole too small. Make larger.
2. Rubber mounted upper triple clamp is mushy.
3. The whole pain in the butt oil filter change hassle. Make the oil filter accessible.
4. Archaic speedometer. Should change to digital.
5. Make numbers on tach larger.
6. Fuel gauge is a joke. Change to low fuel light.
7. Shift light needs to be moved to center of cluster, not hidden behind clutch reservoir.
8. Trip 1, Trip 2 gauge numbers and nomenclature needs to be larger.
9. Odometer numbers are too small.
10. Temp gauge is a joke, what gives, I want to know the exact temp of my engine on a digital read out.
11. Gear position idiot light is really cool and I use it and like it but it dang sure don't deserve the absolute best prime      real estate on the whole dash.
12. Why radial calipers and did not upgrade to radial master cylinder with remote reservoir.
13. Apparently the chain is under rated for the awesome busa power, I have never had a new o-ring chain stretch like this one is stretching.
answers to your problems

1. Oil fill hole is plenty big and standard sizing
2. remove the rubber mounts and bolt it direct if you wish?
3. If that is a pain, try changing one on a Kawi ZRX or the 14r
4. digitals are more prone to failure from exposure to elements, all electronics are. Suzuki built a strong and dependable machine.
5. Get glasses or aftermaket guage faces
6. Fuel guage is a rare option and still has a fuel light. Use your trip meter if you don't like the other 2.
7. Learn to ride and you don't need a shift light. If you're a racer you should consider a better one anyway.
8. get glasss
9. get glasses with bifocals
10. temp guage is quite sufficient. Bike is either at temp, off or overheating. As long as its not the last one, ride the bike.
11. gear position read outs are for guys who are not paying attention to their surroundings or their machines thus a danger to riding in general.
12. brakes are fine for a stock bike. If you upgrade your bike, upgrade your brakes. GSXR units are getting to be very common and cheap.
13.Chain is fine for normal usage if you take care of it.
So if Suzuki did all the things listed, noone would mod their bike right?
for the record, I , Old School, prefer the needle to the digital It takes a least 2 seconds to focus on digital with the sun directly on the gauge or extreme speeds, whereas the needle is easy to remember basic local for speed - old school. I would mame for a heads up windsceen display.
My only gripe with the Busa in General is that ugly ass piece of plastic under the rear seat which forces you to ourchase a fender elim kit.....Just leave it off Suzuki.....Come stock with integrated tail lights
fix tail section
make lighter
make bigger 1400
adjustable rearsets
ss lines
better seat
more factory options such as larger displacement
turbo option
polished option
"race option"
1500 cc option

Hopefully next year Suzuki won't just spray paint the Busa a different color and say "look what we have done, isn't that new color really something".
Lets look at the history.... and answer these questions to find the answer

How many major revisions where there of the Gen 1 bike?

Did the fact that only the paint changed stop you lot from continuing to buy the bike?

I'd say the bike had got to the end of its shelf life in terms of sales.... so suzuki had to do something....

So when sales of this Gen 2 model decrease and the different wheel / body colour changes no longer spark new interest in the bike.... they'll release the Gen 3 model

You'll all buy that and the process will start all over again....

In 50 years time (if any of us are alive) it'll be called the "Dodo" ;)

The biggest thing I would change is to have a damn kickstand that locks in place like a Harley stand does. All the Jap bikes will roll right off the stand if nudged and you have just a little forward slope. I dropped my 03 Busa when I was just wiping the mirror and it was not really on a down slope. There is no reason they couldn't come up with a kickstand that prevents this without having to modify it yourself. There is no safety factor in having the kickstand go up if you roll forward since the bike will stall out if you try to move with the stand down. Nobody can explain the Jap's reasoning and many have dropped their bikes as well. Other than that, the 08 Busa is great.
Keep those comments coming boys, I think zuki and some of the mags would be interested to read the suggestions on this thread. I am going to compile them some day into a easy to read list. Most of the comments have been rational suggestions relating to safety, maintenance, ergonomics, functionality, appearance and performance. I'm still calling  
 about the factory incorporating the popular mods of the gen I into the gen II. Most of what the mags have written has been good for  
The biggest thing I would change is to have a damn kickstand that locks in place like a Harley stand does. All the Jap bikes will roll right off the stand if nudged and you have just a little forward slope. I dropped my 03 Busa when I was just wiping the mirror and it was not really on a down slope. There is no reason they couldn't come up with a kickstand that prevents this without having to modify it yourself. There is no safety factor in having the kickstand go up if you roll forward since the bike will stall out if you try to move with the stand down. Nobody can explain the Jap's reasoning and many have dropped their bikes as well. Other than that, the 08 Busa is great.
why not just put it in gear when the kickstand is down...
I hate digital gauges.

I think Suzuki made the right changes to the 08, I am not a big fan of the tail but they updated the bike without killing its appeal to the loyal fans of the Busa..