ZX12 site: Sex, Lies, and Video Tape


Slowpoke you come here to the Hayabusa site to bash the Busa, then when you don't like the commentary you get in a huff. The place for you is the ZX12r site, all you ZX12 wannabes can all stay there and bullshit yourselves into oblivion till next spring(at least). So if you cant take the heat get out and if you can don't cry, go watch your secret videos because that is as close to a ZX12 as you are goin to get for almost another year. So don't take your pent up frustration and vent it here. Go to your ZX12 site and come back after the medication takes effect.

Your site is awsome it has it all:

SEX: (Cyberjosie,I bet you will get your own ZX12 password)

LIES: (ZX12 specifications)


VIDEO TAPE: (Fitch, Tbone, and Secret sources)
Kawabuser - creative, LOL! What huff ? I don't take any of this stuff seriously at all.

Hey, why does your profile say your interests are ZX11's, XX's, and Ducatis ?? No interest in the Busa ?
Yep, I sure do have my ZX-12 password! Lol...

So the "sex" part is right! The lies? Well... Yeah, I'd have to agree. Lots of stories with nothing to back it. I am tired ot the crap. Been hearing it for five years.

Fitch is nowhere to be found on any of the sites/mailing lists I subscribe to, and I subscribe to a bunch. I am tellin' ya, he's been beaten and stuffed with a videocasette...

[This message has been edited by Cyber Josie (edited 07 August 1999).]
Thank you for the support.

Now it is survey time, how many have been to the ZX12 site?

And have you posted stupid topics like the ZX12 bunch does here?

If we put all the ZX12 heroes and put them on a garbage barge out to sea would they sink?

Please submit your answers here on the ZX12 Comedy Page.

Thank you, KawAbuser

Cyber Josie I can feel the Love!

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 08 August 1999).]
I checked out the zx12 site and didn't post anything because it was so lame & hard to figure out that i lost interest to just tell some stories.This is a pretty sad "internet"representation of the zx12,it should be more exciting than this.
Haven't been there yet. Really no reason to go until the bike becomes real. Then maybe, but not to talk trash just research on what, when, how much, how fast, how fun, etc.
I've been to the ZX11 and the ZX12 sites,I was just reading posts,but I could not bite my tongue when I read some of the Hayabusa bashing,if you go to these sites,be prepared to defend your honor.
Budda you talk about the site like its the biggest piece of poop out there. (it was so lame & hard to figure out that i lost interest) Its easy for you to sit back and critique it. I don't think you or I could build a better one.
The real differance is we have a real bike to talk about and help other owners with. ZX chill, you will get your chance next summer. Till then clean your garage for the new zx12 you want and wait.

And Wait.

And Wait.

And Wait. Sooner or later a Zx9 will look pretty good to ya.

In the meantime Hayabusa owners will be installing nitrous and turbos and you will still be waiting, waiting and still waiting.

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 09 August 1999).]
Buddah! Your so full of it! The format is just about the same as this. I have been there and think the site is decent. The only problem is there no real information to post or read about the bike. I have not posted yet but in time I'm sure I will.
Hey WHY drag me into this eheheheheheh
I havent been any, too busy playing with my REAL motorcycle to talk about what might never be.

If they can produce something that can play with us I might stop in from time to time and check out the competitions.... that is if its any competition at all :)