Who has the best drugs?

I had 4 at once. 2 shots, couldn't feel anything or move. Was completely aware. Could not believe the surgeon took a chrome chisel and hammer and broke them into pieces like he was driven a nail. I was thinking 3 stooges dentistry. 1 shot afterwards brought me back. They called my brother to come get me. Tylenol III. By the next morning I looked like a squirrel with yellowish green cheeks. :banghead:
I was not so lucky with the removal of my wisdom teeth. Went to the dentist in boot camp for regular check up and they slammed me for 2 impacted wisdom teeth. Now anyone who has been in Marine Corps bootcamp knows the drill. Yell Yell Yell! Not after that. I couldn't talk for 2 weeks. I go back at the end of the 2 weeks to have stitches removed and dang it they slam me for the other 2 teeth. Now why couldn't they do all 4 at once instead of making bootcamp worse than it already was for a whole month.

Dang Navy!!!
For weed , any Amsterdam cafe , they always got the best , oh and California nowadays is said to be having a real good grow at it !!

Hi Roadtoad1340;. If you ever make it out to the USA, consider stopping over in Colorado. It's legal, and it's everywhere just like convenience stores on the corner of each block. I work as an independent contractor at peoples homes and not only is it legal to buy at the stores, it is also legal to grow. Homeowners will try to pay for your services with it. Not that you or I are into this sort of thing but anyhow oh and I shall respectfully disagree on who has the best. The best come from the tropics . At least that's what I read on the internet :)
Sounds like a good idea to help with the economy , so take the criminal element out of the equation , and reap the tax . Got to be better than some of the crap history weed has had to endure through , and has proven not to work .:thumbsup:
Sounds like a good idea to help with the economy , so take the criminal element out of the equation , and reap the tax . Got to be better than some of the crap history weed has had to endure through , and has proven not to work .:thumbsup:

If the taxes are too high it doesn't squeeze the criminal element out. If the black market can undercut the legal product then there will always be a market for it.
If the taxes are too high it doesn't squeeze the criminal element out. If the black market can undercut the legal product then there will always be a market for it.
Yeah , but we are now talking about Colorado as example , so is the weed industry taxed too high there , or is everything all working there okay ? If it is working out , then you got a model , something to build on and try elsewhere . If the government is making money , they will more than likely want to keep regulating to making it work .
Yeah , but we are now talking about Colorado as example , so is the weed industry taxed too high there , or is everything all working there okay ? If it is working out , then you got a model , something to build on and try elsewhere . If the government is making money , they will more than likely want to keep regulating to making it work .
It's simple economics. The likelihood of an illegal source of anything, weed for example here, is directly proportional to the risk. If legal weed is taxed to such a degree that legitimate growers, sellers and buyers can't make a living or buy what they want, an alternative market will develop. If the profit and availability of the product is sufficient to overcome the risk involved (punishment etc.) that alternative market will flourish. If governments are smart they will balance the tax rate against this, like they do with alcohol for example. It doesn't make sense to produce illegal alcohol on a large scale because it's available through legit sources affordably and reliably. The Prohibition period in the U.S. was a different story, producing and importing illegal alcohol was big business.
Yeah , but we are now talking about Colorado as example , so is the weed industry taxed too high there , or is everything all working there okay ? If it is working out , then you got a model , something to build on and try elsewhere . If the government is making money , they will more than likely want to keep regulating to making it work .

Weed is still illegal at a federal gov't level, and therefore the states that have legalized it recreationally, are breaking federal law.
Meaning that they are cash businesses.
They can't legally put their profits in the bank.
The feds have fortunately turned a blind eye to this so far. Trump has said the federal law against it needs to go away, and it should be left up to the states individually to handle it how the want.
Fortunately it's becoming medically legal in many more states too.
The good/bad really comes down to bs laws though, and thankfully some of those are changing too.
In North Carolina, you can now be caught with up to 10 lbs in your possession, and face a maximum sentence of 3 months in jail. Something that at one time would have gotten you many years in federal prison, and up to life depending on your record.
Many states are going this route lately, weed is still illegal, but being "decriminalized"
Meaning more of a slap on the wrist vs serious charges.
The whole illegal thing, and gateway drug nonsense is all bs anyway.
Weed is so much better than alcohol in so many ways.
People argue about negative effects.
Absoloutely...Anything can have a negative effect if abused.
Everything in moderation.
Weed is still illegal at a federal gov't level, and therefore the states that have legalized it recreationally, are breaking federal law.
Meaning that they are cash businesses.
They can't legally put their profits in the bank.
The feds have fortunately turned a blind eye to this so far. Trump has said the federal law against it needs to go away, and it should be left up to the states individually to handle it how the want.
Fortunately it's becoming medically legal in many more states too.
The good/bad really comes down to bs laws though, and thankfully some of those are changing too.
In North Carolina, you can now be caught with up to 10 lbs in your possession, and face a maximum sentence of 3 months in jail. Something that at one time would have gotten you many years in federal prison, and up to life depending on your record.
Many states are going this route lately, weed is still illegal, but being "decriminalized"
Meaning more of a slap on the wrist vs serious charges.
The whole illegal thing, and gateway drug nonsense is all bs anyway.
Weed is so much better than alcohol in so many ways.
People argue about negative effects.
Absoloutely...Anything can have a negative effect if abused.
Everything in moderation.
Couple of points to add, weed is still a Schedule I controlled substance, (the drugs in this category have no medicinal value) meaning that from a federal position even medicinal marijuana is criminal. While trump may have said that, he appointed Sessions as AG, who stated that he was going to prosecute weed where the previous administration hadn't. Even if N.C. gives you 3 months for 10lbs, the feds can still pick it up, and under the doctrine of double sovereignty use the evidence that convicted you in state court to convict you federally for the same crime.
Couple of points to add, weed is still a Schedule I controlled substance, (the drugs in this category have no medicinal value) meaning that from a federal position even medicinal marijuana is criminal. While trump may have said that, he appointed Sessions as AG, who stated that he was going to prosecute weed where the previous administration hadn't. Even if N.C. gives you 3 months for 10lbs, the feds can still pick it up, and under the doctrine of double sovereignty use the evidence that convicted you in state court to convict you federally for the same crime.

Yep...and I'm glad Jeff is gone.
This country has way bigger problems than weed.