What is your biggest fear realistically when you get on that bike?


I am not worried about death but I certainly dont want to become a burden to my family by becoming a cripple, losing an arm or leg, etc. Id rather the end be fast and quick. What scares you the most because of the texters, facebookers, etc while they drive if they hit you? I honestly want a fast and painless end without even knowing about what happened. Im sorry if this post sounds morbid but we have to be realistic. I dont have any wife or kids and my mom would be okay after my demise. I just dont want to be a burden to anyone.
I think my most immediate worry is a deer running out in front of me, in the past 2 years I had a deer run out and I hit it going 75ish in my car, then earlier this year I had a teenager run a stop sign and hit and totaled my wife’s car while I was driving.

Given where I ride mostly, it’s either the deer or getting a ticket that I would say has my senses heightened while out blasting the roads.
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Real easy to answer:
The PoPo

Think about this crazy world we live in. You can purchase a vehicle legally, which can break the law on any US public road in second gear within a few seconds from standstill. Talk about putting candy in front of a three year old and telling him he may not eat any.
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Well I always say it's a bad thing to ride scared. Not only does it ruin the ride but it is a dangerous distraction. For me I prepare for the worst as best I can and then roll with it. Just like gear, you should have insurance and wills in place. If you don't want to be resuscitated, no transplants, no transfusions, etc. you'll need to legally declare that. If you love your family the worse thing you can do to them is make them make these decisions. Also you should be an organ donor, motorcyclist use a lot of donated human parts.

Fear is a sense, just like smell, sight, etc. Good riders use fear constructively to tell them something is not right. For example, animals like deer are most active at dusk and dawn. If I'm riding back roads at this time I will change my route to larger, more traveled roads. I also scan the road surface when I ride, so I don't ride at night unless it's necessary.

Race Teams spend the first 2 days of the race weekend getting the bike setup so the rider feels comfortable doing all the things they need to do to go fast at a given track. Pro riders are not fearless. They will go as fast as they feel they have control. When they start to lose control, they slow down.

You've heard it before "ride your ride". If you are scared trying to keep up with your riding group, you are dangerous. Slow down and live to ride another day.
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My biggest fear......well me greatest struggle is within. I’m not “afraid” of other drivers or riders. I’ve had enough things that should have killed me before yet I’m still here. From head on collision on bike over 90mph to IED’s. My struggle is to be better at what I do, so more practice. Death is inevitable. When you are faced with it, it will change your perception. Ride your ride, be more alert of your surroundings and situation. Learn to be in control even through the chaos.

As for me, I am still a student. The struggle is real

Embrace the suck
The biggest threat to me around where I ride especially this time of year is deer. Also people making left turns I always try to plan a route in case they do.

If I ever start to ride with panic or too much fear I will give it up. I have been riding on the street since 1974 and am still glad I can ride and enjoy it.
I dont have any wife or kids and my mom would be okay after my demise. I just dont want to be a burden to anyone.
WOW isn't anyone concerned about this dude? I am. That does not sound morbid, it sounds depressed. Can you get into a councilor? They are worth their weight in gold and that's coming from a guy who hates to spend money on healthcare. I'm concerned about you. It's not good thinking to have no fear of death when you are into a dangerous sport.

I had a buddy who rode with a a guy he met at the gas station. The guy was either trying to overtake him in a corner or he came into it too hot because he was way wide. He ran straight into an oncoming truck and was killed instantly. My buddy turned back to the scene of the accident when he noticed the guy was no longer behind him. His Facebook page was full of talk of death. He was welcoming it and he got it. You don't want to go out like that.

I certainly do fear death on a sport bike and that might be why I've never been down in ten years.

it’s either the deer or getting a ticket that I would say has my senses heightened while out blasting the roads.
My number one fear is getting caught by the cops. I have no control over that once it starts. Deer and turkey I have avoided hitting so far.
WOW isn't anyone concerned about this dude? I am. That does not sound morbid, it sounds depressed. Can you get into a councilor? They are worth their weight in gold and that's coming from a guy who hates to spend money on healthcare. I'm concerned about you. It's not good thinking to have no fear of death when you are into a dangerous sport.

I had a buddy who rode with a a guy he met at the gas station. The guy was either trying to overtake him in a corner or he came into it too hot because he was way wide. He ran straight into an oncoming truck and was killed instantly. My buddy turned back to the scene of the accident when he noticed the guy was no longer behind him. His Facebook page was full of talk of death. He was welcoming it and he got it. You don't want to go out like that.

I certainly do fear death on a sport bike and that might be why I've never been down in ten years.

My number one fear is getting caught by the cops. I have no control over that once it starts. Deer and turkey I have avoided hitting so far.
I think he did not mean that how you understood it. His mom would be okay in a sense that he took care of stuff financially- and he is right- I would not want to be a burden to anyone after I have an accident and have to eat out a straw for the rest of my life. It would be very selfish of me to put that burden on my wife or any loved ones...
I also don't have fear when I ride....I have respect and know my limits very well. Thinking about death in general is also not very helpful. Therefore I just don't do it!