I have and do rebuild bike and car engines, but I am turbo ignorant outside of the basic function of how they work, simple in theory, and not alot to do in parts, but mainly the tune.
Can you explain how/why the turbo itself becomes unbalanced when the shaft is removed? Is the shaft oriented to the impeller so that they are balanced together(much the same principle as balancing a tire)?
I have no hands on experience with turbos, so is there a key way in the shaft? But, then again, how could it be keyed and still rotate to be balanced? How do the shaft and impellar connect?
I'de *assume* that the extremely high rpm's would quickly vibrate it to failure if not balanced correctly.
I never considered the inner assembly much more than an impeller, bearings, and seals on a shaft, and I know that's basically it, I'm just curious about how they are balanced now, and would like to learn something new.