VaBusa is Hurt.

No Way!!!!! Michelle! I don't wish back problems on anyone...I'd rather go thru what I'm going through than have back problems! Get well soon! We Love ya! and Harley Mike too.. :o)
hope ya get well soon michelle, weird how it just went out like that take one more of the horse pills you'll be alright
Awww...hope you get back on track soon, meantime, enjoy the rest!

God Bless!
Get better, heal up, remember to only medicate AS NEEDED, and take it easy...
Hmmm, a blonde with back pain. There is a lot of room for jokes. But seriously I hope you feel better.

Ask for some vicodins, I know I did.
LOL  Gee, thanks J...I think...

I just posted up under "checking out" about what happened...not much really, just stood up after taking the boys to the movies and my back just went...

I'm on all sorts of drugs right now...can't do much else but sleep and watch TV.  I had an MRI yesterday, even got the images on CD...if only I knew what they show!  I won't know that until Monday...if I'm feeling better later, I'll post up pics of my inner workings just 'cause I'm bored...

The little round white pills are okay, but the big white horse pills are much more least I'm getting tons of rest!  

Gotta run...I'm tired...I left a few loose ends open with some of you guys...shenoy, I owe you a Darth Tater...RSD, I've got a package for you, just sitting at my desk at work...when I can drive, I'll take care of these things...oh, and cache, I want to sponsor the new racing Busa...might be a while though...
Shell, my friend just went through this same thing last year. Got out of bed one morning and he went straight to the floor. He was off work for three months, but no surgery. good as new now. You have to stay in bed and do what the doc says, otherwise it is the knife. You are in my prayers. Heal up fast!

Feel better soon lady and keep on managing the aches and pains as only you can. Let us know if you need anything at all. I know Mike will be picking up the "domestic chores" slack while you're down, so tell him to hang in there too!
dang what the freak?
A movie chair ... man that blows

Hope you get better soon Michelle, remember Deals gap is coming up in a few short months and we all know you want to join us there for some serious twistie riding
Aww...thanks everyone...I'm feeling the love...

DJ knows this...I pulled my back last fall while just sitting at my desk...4 months later, I was finally off the pain meds and able to walk without limping, I've done it again, but don't know why it keeps happening for no apparent reason...

I joined a gym over two months ago and thought I was beginning to strengthen myself enough to not do this again; I was even at my doc's office just last week bragging about how I'd beat the back pain...should have known NOT to brag about something like I lay, drugged up all over again. I can barely get myself up, so Mike's working triple time taking care of the boys and the big baby here...

I'm afraid they'll find somegthing on the MRI, and then again, I'm afraid they won't. Lortab isn't working this time around; that's what you get for taking it for 4 months...the Percocet doesn't do much either and I'm popping two every 6 hours...Vicodin is like breathing air to me; does absolutely step is an epidural!
Right now, I'd take it if they offered...

I am missing out on so much around here; I'm way behind...
Did I mention that I don't have much time off from work, so I'm going without pay in a day or two...
It's always something...guess I'll have to sell the hubby's Harley
Oh, and I found out that an acquaintance of ours was killed on his Harley this morning...just a mile or two from my house
Gives me something to mull over while I'm laid up...guy was about my age, daughter about to begin kindergarten...I don't know what happened or if it was just a single vehicle wreck or what...just know that he'd had the bike for a few he's gone...

Boy Michelle! That's horrible. Hope things work out for ya', ya' parrot head.

...and im always the last one to know about it!! Oh well...

Get well soon M


