

God save the Queen.......
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One thing about blokes from Oz is that their hearts and humour are always in the right place :

T. B. Bechtel, a City Councillor from Newcastle, Australia, was asked on a local live radio talk show, just what he thought about the allegations of torture of suspected terrorists.
His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause from the audience.

'If hooking up one raghead terrorist prisoner's testicles to a car battery to get the truth out of the lying little camelshagger will save just one Australian life, then I have only three things to say,'

'Red is positive,
Black is negative, and
Make sure his nuts are wet.' :whistle:
I don't even care if that's true

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Politically Correct is going to be the end of society
Being P.C. is ruining us! I keep hearing about statements similar to this coming from Australian leaders, and I think it's great. The Australian people should be proud that their leaders put patriotism ahead of the feelings of their enemies! More of our elected representatives here in the States could stand to grow a pair and say what so many of us are thinking. I'd buy that man a beer!
Finding torture despicable is not being politically correct it is being morally correct.

Being politically correct would be saying someone who actually supports torture is mentally challenged rather than saying they are a retard. :whistle:
Finding torture despicable is not being politically correct it is being morally correct.

Being politically correct would be saying someone who actually supports torture is mentally challenged rather than saying they are a retard. :whistle:

I'm not too worried about being any sort of correct as long as it helps to protect innocent people, whether they're my fellow countrymen or not. Perhaps we can agree to disagree.
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Quick someone import him to the US..put him on a ballot!!

Hmmm..i joke, but i have mixed feelings on torture...its sounds all good until you think how many people in the US themselves have been in jail and later found innocent. Mixed feelings.
I call B.S.

There is no T. B. Bechtel on the Newcastle city council.
Newcastle City Council-Councillors

I question the motives of some one who would make stuff up like that.

But hey believe what lies you want, if it make you feel good to think Australians agree with your medieval, sick view that torturing people is acceptable, then good for you.

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Torture is despicable.

It's more despicable to let the enemy kill your own.

Sometimes, evil is a necessary thing because it serves a greater good.

I’m kind of mixed on the subject.

On one hand, I feel that torturing a known terrorist to get information to save innocent lives will serve the greater good. There reaches a point when trying to maintain the moral high ground become self destructive because when dealing with terrorist, they have no morals. They don’t follow rules and will complete their objective at all cost no matter who gets hurt.
The possibility that an innocent person could get tortured causes concern. There would be nothing worse than finding out someone was actually innocent after the fact.

This falls under the debate of treatment of prisoners and it is never ending. Our prisoners have more rights behind bars then an upstanding citizen does on the street. I only say this because I work for the state prison system and have seen it firsthand.

On the surface, torture of a terrorist sounds good, but there is no way to know for sure if it would save innocent lives.

I do respect that this guy had the guts to say what I think a lot of people are feeling. :clap:
I do respect that this guy had the guts to say what I think a lot of people are feeling. :clap:

To clarify my earlier post, I wasn't advocating torture (I agree with Cerberus that this is a difficult subject) but was applauding the lack of a PC response by someone in authority.

Now I don't think we're all naive enough to believe the original post is at all a true story. I believe it was making the exact point that I applauded in my earlier response, that someone actually SPOKE THEIR MIND that held a political office.

I wonder what it would be like if everyone said what they thought, not what they thought they SHOULD say or HAVE TO say.

What movie was that? Bullworth? :laugh: