tps adjustment

chicago, the wire connector you want is located on the left side of bike between seat and tail section. you might have to remove the tail to get it out where you can use it. follow the main wire harness past the computer(big black box under the seat) somewhere under the aluminum cross over support you will find a 2 wire connector with a rubber cover, remove cover and use a piece of wire or paper clip to jump the 2 wires in this connector, start bike(make sure it is warm first and idle is at 1150rpm) then look at display where clock is. This should be a dash in the middle (not high or low) followed by a C00, if not you have to adjust it. good luck I just did mine and it was off, on the low side

[This message has been edited by NUCKINFUTS (edited 25 March 2000).]
I assume this means you live in the chicago area. Send me an e-mail

There are a few others from this area that ride together occassionally. I can also help with the TPS, Yosh box, etc.

Does anyone know what 2 wires to jump and where its located to adjust the tps?
Chicago I also live in Chicago if any of you guys are from Chicago land area drop me an E-Mail and we can get together for a ride of just shoot the sh?t!
Better to get the Torx T-20 wrench. I bought mine from Suzi at $15. I hear you can get the torx with the required hole in it at Autozone for $2.00.
It's a white connector with a black rubber cover and two wires running from it. This is true on both '99 & '00's.

If it doesn't say -C00 at 1150 RPM it needs adjusted. I've looked at two different Busa's and both were off. If it says _C00
it's incorrect.

[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 27 March 2000).]
Loosen the screw that holds the TPS and turn it. TPS is on left side of throttlebodies assembly. Note: some have had a not fun time loosening this screw. It is soft, strips easily and is loctited in. Replace with a quality hex or torx screw.