tooth extraction


Thought I'd share with you guys my current pain:( I went for a tooth (molar)extraction today. It was a root canal gone bad after 7 years. Long story short while the oral surgeon was removing the tooth in broke so he had to remove it in three places. It took him a while and he was yanking pretty good and drilling in there. I'm doped up in Vicodian but it still hurts like shat! Sorry for boring you guys with this but I just needed to tell someone who cares cause my wife keeps calling me a woozy ha!ha!
Have a great weekend everyone.
Had my first wisdom tooth removed about 3 weeks ago. Really wasn't too bad, but Tylenol with Codeine helps.
i know how ya feel when i had my wisdom teeth cut out(the roots were wrapped around my jawbone)i got dry socket and was miserable for a week!
I had a root canal several years ago, but the real pain didn't come until I got the bill.

Enjoy the drugs and get well soon.