The Baton and Your Bike

I was able to wear out a set of Michelin PR5s in a couple seasons so I must be riding more than I thought I was....but not long distances at a time but short more frequent rides....

I'm going with a set of S22Rs next....if I go through a set a season than so be it.

who has the baton right now ~ Is it still here in SoCal today ? *
Not that I am aware of. However, the current baton is titanium, capable of international travel. Might set off a couple detectors on its way (Yay!) but why not?
That is one option for sure or maybe we can have an alternate solution: e.g.: we can introduce a twin brother of the ToasterTitaniumBaton who lives in Europe. I guess the community will decide.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that any branding on the 'toaster' (or whatever it is) that represents (or attempts to represent) HAYABUSA.ORG would, indeed, require at least a blessing from Captain, if not outright permission.

HOWEVER, if Euro-oRg Busa owners wanted to deliver toasters (or whatever it is) to each other in the (same) spirit as both the Baton and the OG Toaster - promoting riding and comradery - nothing would be stopping them, nor would it be a copyright/trademark infringement UNLESS said toaster was branded in some fashion. In fact, you could probably get away with branding it with the bike's kanji if so desired. Better to piss off Suzuki than the great and powerful Oz Captain. (my bad!)