
Enjoying 1 road at a time
Donating Member
Since my Tourmaster bag was 16 years old, I read all the reports and went shopping....I liked them all!
But when I ran across the RAPID TRANSIT tankbag system with all its possible configurations, I jumped on it.

First pic is just the bike

That's cool. I need to get me a tank bag.

Any more height on the "Stacker" and the rider ain't gonna be able to see
I don't know if...short of riding across Canada or something, I'd ever use the stacked system (wouldn't even need rear luggage!) but there are so many cool combos.
Comes with raincover
Comes with seperate, waterproof, removable mapcase (so you don't have to take it out of the bag when you go into a restaurant, for example
Material is so strong, it does not loose shape (some competitors bags had to be stuffed with newspaper to look good on display)
Includes many outside compartments, shoulder straps and good handles
Magnets are really powerful
All for $150 bucks!             Raydog

BTW, they aren't adjusted straight on the tank, I just stuck em on for quick pics.
When it is in it's stacked form what do you do standup and ride. Also when or if you used it in it stacked form like that wouldn't that also throw off the balance point a little?
Looks good! What's the visibility like when you have them stacked?
I just picked up "The Stack." Rapid Transit makes some real nice bags. I like how either of the two bags will zip to the base on yours. Mine has one bag permanently affixed to the base and another bag will zip to to the top for more storage.
Cool, I like it
I almost went that route, but Bagster won me over..
Tank bags are great. I have A River Road an it came with straps for the tank but I like the magnetic base more. The big bag also comes with backpack straps. I have a tank bra and it interferes with the bags a little. Upgraded to the double bubble and seeing the speedo is not a problem unless I'm in town. They are great to rest on while on long trips. 3000 last fall, hope for a longer one this year.

sorry no pics haven't figured that out yet.