Scotts Oil Filters

I seems as if no body knows anyting about this filter. So I guess I'll become the lab rat. One I get it and run it for awhile I'll let you guys know how it works. I'll post here about this part in about 1 month or 2.
It looks like a quality product. I'm interested in your feedback. Post pix too if you can.
I don't have a digital camara right now. But I will keep you posted on my findings! I would have one but my Busa keeps sucking me for all my loot!
Well I just got the Scotts Oil filter in the mail today. And I must say this is the highest quality oil filter I have ever laid my hands on. Its all quality metal and the filtration screens look better than any paper or foam filter I've come across. I wish I had a freakin digital camera to show ya'll. But I don't...oh well.

Now the big question does the damn thing work. I haven't the slighest clue. I'll let ya'll know when my baby is restored.