Scooter rider Killed in Italy for not wearing helmet

A 17yr old scooter rider was shot in Italy for not wearing a helmet.This is the new 4 month old mandatory helmet law pushed on the riders in Italy.The cop was arrested. The news said that the boy had many helmet tickets since the law took affect and he was shot while running from a check point. I hope the CHP and cops in California don't shoot you for the same thing!!!!!!!!! Info on

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 31 July 2000).]
Okay, now that is to crazy. That was way to extreme a response for a guy on a scooter just because he refused to wear a helmet.
I bet you everyone else wears their helmet!!

While I don't condone the action I bet it gets the point across!!

(and the cop was arrested)

So apparently the officials thought it was a bit extreme as well.

[This message has been edited by Mis4tun81 (edited 31 July 2000).]
I just Left Vicenza Italy in Oct 1998 -- what part of Italy did this Occur -- well Folks in Italy, you are not allowed to have FireArms & the Local Police/Soldiers will shoot you with their AK47 BananaClipped machine guns....
used to PISS Me off -- Thats Why AMERICA is the BADDEST *** PLace to Live!!!!!

Italy is OLD & Polluted....
Wait..what now? Sheeeeeit. That dum mo fo.. But why would he..oh...Italians..but still..surely they won't let em get away with..I don't know..maybe it's different over there..
I guess that cop figured a bullet would be less painful than having your head split open on the road.,,,unbelievable story!!