Pics are in...

Guessing they're a necessary evil to move hot air away from the rider, although from my brief ZX-14 ownership, they didn't work on that bike. It was like riding on the surface of the sun compared to the cool Bus. ....Looks like the new-for-1999 frame still though, not that there's anything wrong with that.
The fins on the ZX-14 are a gimick, always have been. Increased laminar air flow?? They were putting smooth grills on the Gen1 ZX-14 from the start. No difference except appearance.

Looks like lightened up parts on the exhaust hangers and footrest assemblies. I'm a little surpised that there appears to be no belly pan too. I think they shaved the weight down on this one as much as possible. Still have a feeling it will be a little heavier than the Gen2.
Look forward to buying this bike.

Anyone remember when the aftermarket for the Gen-I exploded when the bike came out? You could buy any of 20 different undertail designs for your Gen-I. Endless choices in pipes.

Aftermarket industry for this new Busa is going to go nutty.
hell yea!!!! Now with the falcon descending upon us again and I hope it has some real power to it can we all forget about and never speak of politics again and concentrate on what we all really love!!!!!
I'm not crazy about the looks although that will probably change when I see it in person. The colors are pretty bland, so I'll probably have the first one with a custom paint job. I'm guessing it's going to be black, white, and silver.
hell yea!!!! Now with the falcon descending upon us again and I hope it has some real power to it can we all forget about and never speak of politics again and concentrate on what we all really love!!!!!
Bee, a promise is a contract between two people. When only one party is involved is is called being stubborn. :D
Give yourself permission to do what makes you happy.
Not where I'm from my friend...owning Bumblebee makes me happy, I don't crave the latest and greatest and never did. I like the fact Suzuki proved me wrong and finally got off their arses to build a gen 3 though.

If I didn't get this bike, I would have been finished with motorcycling a couple years ago.
I will probably be in the minority here, but I am not a fan of all the sharp angles! I've always loved the curves of the Busa! Don't get me wrong, its a beautiful bike, just looks less like a Busa to me.