pic of busa on a mug


hey guys just wanted to give you the email of the person that made my mug for me. jvrooman@flare.net tell them adam sent ya ;)

Not to be picky - but us Beer Drinkers would call that a stein

Main Entry: stein
Pronunciation: 'stIn
Function: noun
Etymology: probably from German Steingut stoneware, from Stein stone + Gut goods
: a large mug (as of earthenware) used especially for beer; also : the quantity of beer that a stein holds
Not to be picky - but us Beer Drinkers would call that a stein

Main Entry: stein
Pronunciation: 'stIn
Function: noun
Etymology: probably from German Steingut stoneware, from Stein stone + Gut goods
: a large mug (as of earthenware) used especially for beer; also : the quantity of beer that a stein holds
That's what I kinda had in mind for it!

Mostly teasing - please don't take me too seriously, it scares me if I think people are actually listening to more than 1/3 of what I say ;-)