New member introduction



My name is Jason, and I have been poking around the board for a few months since I got my 2003 Anniversary Busa.  I've been doing alot of reading and a few mods before I introduced myself.
Mods done so far:
1. Stickers and reflectors removed (i've been reading I said)
2. Kickstand mod
3. Buell Pegs
4. Screens in the holes in the tail section.....
Now here's my problem.  I forgot to reconnect the wire to the latch to unlock the hump, and I'm locked out.  How can I get that open?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Hi J... A buddy talked about the buell pegs for his 12r.. i understand the drop dwn and back. Will they fit the bus too?
Welcome Jason and you're doing great on your first mods ... how about some pics for us? I can't help with the lockout problem, but I'm sure some folks on this board will give you some good advice.
Umm, The lockout problem is a real problem... It's very hard or impossible to get into it simply, But from underneath is your best bet and I would be tempted wait a little while, see if another member has a better idea...

Bummer, But Welcome to the Board.
Welcome to the board.  It's not imposible but it ain't easy.  The best way is to very carefully drill a small hole through the lip on the tail fairing under the hump.  Do this on the right side look forward.  Here is a pic of the mechanism.  You need to push the lock arm to the left to release. In this pic. the top part is facing the back of the bike.

There are a few people here that have done this so just hold tight and someone will tell you how they did it.

Good luck

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I have had to do this twice, unfortunately. The second time was much easier because I now have a TG undertail, so just pop the pushpins and the undertail comes off and your in. The first time was like yours and if I remember correctly I did somewhat the same thing. I popped the 3 pushpins on each side, removed the allen bolts that attach the tail section to the frame and the driver's seat to the frame. I was then able to raise the tail section up and use a screwdriver to push the lock mechanism to the left as JWCFBD described. You will probably need a flashlight to see what you are doing, but that and a flathead screwdriver should be all that you need. It's not the easiest thing in the world and will take a little time, but you'll get it.
Oh, BTW, congrats on the purchase and welcome to the board!
2 people

take a very very thin bladed screwdriver or putty knife. pry the rear of the hump up just slightly and slight the screwdriver in and push on the knob that jwcfbd posted a pic of.
Screens in the holes in the tail section...can someone explain this one? I did a search and didn't find any info on it.

The hump thing.... i recently had this problem myself. your not going to like what i have to say but this was my only solution...

First of all, take all of the bolts off the rear section and try to loosen the the front part as much as possible to get your hands inside. if possible see if you can reach and unlatch the hump. if you cant then this is what you need to do. get yourself a hack saw blade and cut off the 2 plastic L shape legs on the hump that hook onto the frame. it is a pain but this was my only solution on getting it off.

i will try to post pics if you need me too.

Good luck.
Try the Drill idea first before you go my route... sounds a bit cheaper  

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Thanks for all of the advise. I got it open after an 1.5 hrs. I had to pry the hump up from the back, then bend the tail section down under the hump, then I had a view of the latch mechanism. All it took from there was a push from a thin screwdriver, and someone to catch the hump when it flew off.
Now I can do it in less than five minutes. Oh well, live and learn.

Thanks again
