????  Can anyone help me with these decals ????

300Busa -- I don't have the exact measurements unfortunately....Thanks for the reply though.

Black Bird Killer -- The kanji and the word HAYABUSA....basically exactly the way it is in the pic.

Thanks guys!
(dadofthree @ Jan. 17 2007,13:28)
(heavybusa @ Jan. 16 2007,19:35)
(sFlaBusa @ Jan. 16 2007,22:21) heavybusa...
I realize I can do a search and probably find many people that can do vinyl decals. I figured that I would post a pic of exactly what I need, and let someone chime in who has the ability to produce what is pictured.

My bad, after reading your post I assumed you wanted to know who could make them.

Good luck
It's alright Heavy, I appreciate the fact that you tried to help the mean ol' man.
ok iam at home now. I will check it out in the morning.
(sFlaBusa @ Jan. 17 2007,16:15)
(dadofthree @ Jan. 17 2007,13:28)
(heavybusa @ Jan. 16 2007,19:35)
(sFlaBusa @ Jan. 16 2007,22:21) heavybusa...
I realize I can do a search and probably find many people that can do vinyl decals. I figured that I would post a pic of exactly what I need, and let someone chime in who has the ability to produce what is pictured.

My bad, after reading your post I assumed you wanted to know who could make them.

Good luck
It's alright Heavy, I appreciate the fact that you tried to help the mean ol' man.
It's called humor, lighten up; you'll live longer
Black Bird Killer

Got someone who is trying to come up with something for me..If he can't do it I'll let you know.

Sounds good. Can get it for ya for $69 shipped if the others fall thru
I just got mine but I don't remember his board name and damn they are sweet !!!! Maybe he will speak up , are you there Rodney??
Whats mess up is I had this idea for my 02 and now that i'm doing it on my 04 and now everyone has them large. Well I guess great minds think alike!!
(frisbee @ Jan. 18 2007,16:09) I just got mine but I don't remember his board name and damn they are sweet !!!! Maybe he will speak up , are you there Rodney??
man Frisbee forgot about me already. I feel so used
I am hooking him up. thanks
Just couldn't remember your board name 1320Busa! You know how it is , i'm old and did to much partying when I was young
Anyway 1320 can do the job!!
I will post pics later after the install.
Glen, from Thunder Composites can do any graphic, and do them right. No junk from Glen, awesome Gent to do business with and the quality is worth every penny you spend. Take a look at my profile pic or website to see some of his work, or pm me and I can send you better pics.