

Here my nephew winning in an MMA tournament
what is your thoughts about the sport?
To me is like a hayabusa when the clutch drops ,the bull**** stops!

I like the sport, used to train. I dont know why I never finished getting my black belt but I enjoyed it.
Anyone who fights in that has to be one tuff cookie. Not sure I would wanna do that even when I was young :laugh: Congrats to him :thumbsup:
That is a real man's sport. All jocularity and bravado stops when a real fighter steps up and calls you out. Time to put up or shut up right here or outside. It has been my experience that very little actually hurts much when in combat and you fear pain more than what pain is delivered to you under even extreme non-torture conditions. This, thankfully due to the fight or flight response and the miracle of adrenaline which numbs many things except for the most vital pressure points. The only time I ever screamed in duress was when I thought my wrist was being broken and the crooked Arab cops would not listen to my pleas. Turns out my nerve was partially severed at the wrist and still causes diminished sensitivity on the back of my left thumb.

You can see most fighters only tap out when they fear something will break such as in an arm bar or triangle/figure four. If done quickly enough, they will only sense the injury when the limb is no longer functional and flopping about. Most dudes won't even tap out on black out choke holds because they feel they can surge out of them. I have mad respect for those dudes and would do it myself except for the fact that I like the way my face looks too much to outweigh the potential monetary reward.