1st Degree Black Belt in Isshinryu Karate (haven't practiced in a number of years though)

Scattered years in Kenpo, TKD and Hapkido.

Currently study Aikido, about 2 years now. Only white and black belts in Aikido and a Looong way to go till black. Takes about 7-10 years depending on instructor and student.

Lotsa Martial Arts guys on here, eh?
Did Aikido for 12years. Now, Muay Thai about 3years and still going....
Can't do it as much as before though, which suck.... ( you know how it goes after while .... work, family etc...)
I am real good at throwing what ever is in my reach.&..i can use just about any thing as a wepon to defend myself...I am specially facinated with my samurai sword ...But unfortunately havent had the chance to use it....LOL