Ladies REJOICE!! you have been vindicated!!


Donating Member
I find it humorous that we as humans are constantly trying to figure out ways to improve on nature and our health, and in the end it always boils down to the basics, natural foods and everything in moderation.

I laughed the other day when they released a study that shows diet sodas can make you gain weight because the body doesn't recognize the fake sugars and doesn't count it as calories lol.. at least in rats
Good!! Now I don't feel so guilty about those 6 fun size Snickers bars I had for breakfast this morning!!

I hate Valentines and all the candy that is around... it's worse than Halloween!
Yeah, I been watching the eggheads negate their worth my whole life:
sun bad for you / get more sun, it's good for you
sugar bad for you / oh wait sugar is healtly
use gel pads for mouse and keyboard / do NOT anymore it's bad
cheese causes headaches.... what? ? ?

WHY must we overcomplicate everything? It's to the point where it's harder to keep track of the over complication than it is to live simply... which, strangly, everyone seems to desire. Just do it!

...if we could only clone the "Common Sense" gene....
If eating Chocolate is healthy, my wife may live to be 147 years old!
Dark chocolate is my favorite, especially the Dove chocolates and dark chocolate M&M's. Yummm.... I still think the man pursuades companies to say that things really are okay to eat when they may not be, just to make us spend more money for the economy.

I'll still eat dark chocolate though!
THIS IS ALL I HEARD IN THAT ARTICLE.....I know what I'm gettin' my wife now

"Here are the scientific facts. Chocolate contains the chemicals phenylethylamine and serotonin, which are thought to be mood boosters and mild sexual stimulants. Eating chocolate makes you feel good, even euphoric. But the aphrodisiac qualities of chocolate are more about the sensual pleasure"

Thanks Thrasher your the BEST
