High beam help


need help finding what parts i need to hold the high beam bulb in place. the only thing they show is one part , a rubber collar. is that right? i know the low beam has a spring and the collar, but the high beam i don't. any help would be much appreciated.

any or all parts where lost between were we went down and home. all i have is the bulb on a wire and a hole in the front light were something goes.
the rubber boot goes on the low beam.
gigh beam twist lock in place
the parts diagram only shows two parts the bulb and the rubber colar (part 35125-24F00) and nothing else.

what does the light twist into?
the high beam buld has a twist lock it locks in to the houseing . the low beam uses the rubber and a spring lock. make sure you have the right bulb.
but it should only be a buld and the houseing
would love to post pic but no camera.

i got the bulb, check
got the rubber collar, check
nothing the bulb twist into??

i will just try using something to hold the bulb in place. i hope i don't have to get the new head lamp unit to have the right parts.
(ranman @ Dec. 09 2006,16:36) we are talking high beam the bottom bulb right?
My adjusting nut messed up and according to the dealer they had to replace the entire assembly under warranty. That might be an entirely different issue.
this is a high beam. look close it has a twist lock that matches the houseing
is this the kind of bulb you have?

this is the low beam upper uses the spring clip and a rubber boot

ya, i have the stock bulb but on the headlight housing i don't see the tab parts or ears it locks into, also the collar or boot, i bought a new one. looks like the part that holds the bulb is gone.

what i will do then is glue the bulb to the housing.