Here's a video 4 yah

My cousin, who is memorialized in my sig,often did incredibly stupid things like this. He took a girl for a ride on his 929 RR, neither of them having any gear on,we still don't know exactly what happened. The bike went down, he was in the hospital for 8 weeks, she didn't make it. A helmet alone would have saved her life. He was messed up the rest of his life. He died a little over a year later trying to beat an Amtrak train through a crossing.

I am outraged at their stupidity. Not only are they stunting with some decent looking girls on the back, with no lids. They were running through red lights and driving the wrong way on the is wrong with people? I can not for the life of me see anything cool in this video, but I am sure they made it to be cool.
Squids.... squid video ... staining the org.
They are a cancer in our sport.
Killing the image of the sport rider.

They should loose their M endorsement for a year.

The young women...... no hope... brain dead.
They are far beyond stupid
Does anyone wonder why people have a negative impression of sportbikers

They are freaking stupid...
So many bad things happening there I don't even want to start to list them...
If I found out my daughter was one of those girls, She would not have been able to sit down on a chair for a week let alone a bike. The guy well lets just say he would have dissapeared....and I have an aliby. Seriously I had "the talk" with the couple of guys she dated with bikes. Did not want her on one and he had better never take her on the bike. I was young "And STUPID" once so I know what goes thru those little pea brains. I calmed down some, thats how I ended up "OLD and Stupid".
Thats just too dumb for words.....
If I found out my daughter was one of those girls, She would not have been able to sit down on a chair for a week let alone a bike. The guy well lets just say he would have dissapeared....and I have an aliby. Seriously I had "the talk" with the couple of guys she dated with bikes. Did not want her on one and he had better never take her on the bike. I was young "And STUPID" once so I know what goes thru those little pea brains. I calmed down some, thats how I ended up "OLD and Stupid".  
 Thats just too dumb for words.....
That WAS the question I was going to ask, "what would you do if this was your daughter" ? But I figured I already knew the answers !!
As I watched that first video, it reminded me of the little arguments between my ex and I.  If I didn't have both helmets on me, which happened once or twice, I wouldn't let her on unless she took mine.  I would never support riding without helmets but to have someone you supposibily care for take that risk while you have the lid...just no words for that.  Even if you weren't dating and were just a friend...unthinkable! I can't even imagine how I would feel if I had crashed and she would of died or got seriously hurt.
First, they are dumb!

Second, What is the point? What is the up side in that video? What good could come from doing it?

Can't say "thrill", because it is just as "thrilling" geared up!