Herbal Supplements - WARNING!!!

Look at all the negative effects of perscriptions and over the counter drugs then look at herbals.:whistle:
as long as they make no claim to medical efficacy, they do not have to say a thing.. as soon as you say your product "Does X" then you have a nightmare.. We do a number of "clinical trials" in our facility every year.. the documentation and protocols are a nightmare.. We have on site inspections a dozen times a year with investigators checking that every T is crossed..

I pity the investigators.. they spend days squirreled away in a 10 by 10 room going through endless piles of "anonymous" binders.. The cost? 25 patients, and our office? maybe a million dollars for 8 to 12 months and there are usually several dozen facilities involved..

no wonder herbal wonders abound.. just package the stuff with some left handed literature and collect the money..