help me caption this pic


i was posting up pics in another thread and i keep going back to this photo. i was eating in thermop when i noticed a couple checking out my bike.
:laugh: please help me come up with a funny caption for this pic. :please:

Martha, what in tarnation is it?
A spaceship Tom, get away from it. One of them aliens might come out of it.
Think he notice if we took it ma? Yeah, Im sure you'd **** ya self again and he hafta jus follow the trail home n find ya
Maybal that sure would beat that hooveround you got me for christmas.

ps. is it just me or is the four winds trading company german owned???
Do you think I can get this up one one wheel?
No honey, I dont think you can get this up eather...
"Shore is purdy, but the size of dem chicken strips kinda ruin it..."

:rofl: ouch! lol

I wonder if it belongs to one of those Nazi's from the Four Winds Trading Post.

bonus points! i was wondering who was going to notice the swazis in the brick work 1st.:beerchug:

Maybal that sure would beat that hooveround you got me for christmas.

ps. is it just me or is the four winds trading company german owned???

Thermopolis Wyoming was a gift from the Native Indians to the White Man. Thermopolis, Wyoming: Calendar of Events the building is an Indian Built building. the 4 winds was named after the brick work as it is the sign of the 4 winds to the Indians here.

:thumbsup: good eye!:lol:
hey look pa its one of those new ride arround things from the scooter store!!