good old days? no thanks!!


Donating Member
just got this in an e-mail and haven't double checked the facts but it seems about right...two of my grandparents were born in 1910 and it is pretty amazing to see the changes that have happened in only 100 years:


This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine!
************ ********* ***********
The year is 1910
One hundred years ago.
What a difference a century makes!
Here are some statistics for the Year 1910:
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The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.
Fuel for this car was sold in drug stores only.
Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.
Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower !
The average US wage in 1910 was 22 cents per hour.
The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year ..
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year,
A dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME .
Ninety percent of all Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!
Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which
Were condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard.'
Sugar cost four cents a pound.
Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
The Five leading causes of death were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke

The American flag had 45 stars ....
The population of Las Vegas , Nevada , was only 30!!!!
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented yet.
There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.
Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write and
Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school..
Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores.
Back then pharmacists said, 'Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind,
Regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health'
( Shocking? DUH! )
Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help ....
There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A. !
dunno man, maybe not 1910 but I think the 40s-50s wouldnt be a bad time to jump back to. The old saying, if I knew then what I know now .... good lord I'd be soooo retired :laugh:
Good ol' days for me was when i could get out of bed without aches and pains! :laugh:
dunno man, maybe not 1910 but I think the 40s-50s wouldnt be a bad time to jump back to. The old saying, if I knew then what I know now .... good lord I'd be soooo retired :laugh:

Your Right, the 50's were soooooooooooooooooooooo good :thumbsup: ! Well as far as being a kid was concerned because we had Great Movies and stuff !! And since I was a kid and didn't have to go to the KOREAN WAR, or better known as the COLD :poke: REA War. And as far as Coldrea went, I know when I was there one winter, even the rocks were shivering, so I'am glad I missed that one :laugh:
The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year ..
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year,

Competent? Seems like good small numbers to work with:whistle:

Weird stuff, They were probly thinkin in 100yrs we'd have flyiing cars:laugh:
Woman only washed their hair once a month ? :puke:

Interesting how things have changed. My aunt sent me an email which was like an 8th grade history test from 1900 or so. The amount of knowledge needed to pass it was impressive.
47 years old and your gone huh ?
Well that would mean about 27,999 out of 28,000 members here would be dust and I'd be talking to myself :rofl:

Then again I've always wanted to say to couple yanks
' gonna pull them pistols or whistle Dixie ?'

I've often thought about how well I would have done in exploratory America in the early to mid 1800s. Think I may have enjoyed it .
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I could dig that. I don't figure that I'll live past 50 anyway...I'm 40 now.
I'm an accountant and I must be pretty decent at what I do since I'm employed by a Fortune 100 company so I'd be making decent money.
I think that it might be kind of fun to ride a horse to & from work each day.
You forgot the most important one; THERE WEREN'T ANY BUSA'S! Arggggggg.:laugh:
You forgot the most important one; THERE WEREN'T ANY BUSA'S! Arggggggg.:laugh:

and only 144 miles of paved roads (and i bet that didn't include the Dragon, or Cherohala, or any of the rest of the great roads i have ridden) :banghead:
If you din't know any better, you would assume that you were living on the cutting edge of technology. The industrial revolution would have been an amazing time to be alive. I would have preferred the 20's though. And if not that, then the 40's-50's. Aside from the looming threat of the big war, it would have been a really fun time to be alive.

To be fair, I would rather live in New Zealand today with my Busa and my Avalanche in tow.
Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.

No bath tubs~?~

I reckon the good ol creek would do fine in the Summer time, but I'd be having to pull in the watering trough for the Winter time... :laugh:
"The average life expectancy for men was 47 years."

The MUCH higher infant mortality rate would drag down the average life expectancy. Once you made it to adulthood your chance of become elderly was only a little less than it is today.

it sounds nice.....

but I like my modern comforts....

* A/C
* cooler than 1 horsepower
* a good portion of this board would not be able to read
* some of us would not be able to vote
* our wives and girlfriends would not be able to vote
* some of you would be eating in "White Only" establishments

not too mention the advances and availability of **** on the internet......
lazer gun
flying car
and all the other cool stuff we were suposed to have by now?:laugh: