God loves dead Soldiers... ??

Thank you 4 your service 2 our country.The only reson i get to enjoy life is because guys+gals in service are willing risk there lifes.Without them we would have nothing.
Stay frosty fellow soldier understood and glad you get to vent here. It's hard to offer your life for you country when it includes these fools. Rest soundly in the knowledge that you sacrifices COUNT for alot more than these misguided people.
one can only imagine what a service man or woman would think when they see such a site like that, I know as a civilian what I think, it's disgusting to even think of how people can act that way towards people that have fought and died for our freedom in this country, how easily they forget the freedoms we still have because of service men and women here and abroad...

Thanks for your service Josh, its very much appreciated and to all the other service men and women here on the board and the others in the world THANKS!!!!:usa:
I know exactly what you feel and have had to deal with the same....Afghanistan fallujah you name it i was there...its been a year since it all ended for me after 11 1/2 yrs and I still am having problems but I manage...If you ever need a hand let me know....I used to get so upset at people like them....you know what...not anymore....we had the courage to do what weve done....and in the name of all our fellow present and not present veterans and all the frined and family who support...wasting your time on one of those idiots wouldnt be worth it....youve been blessed to have such an opportunity and to be here still.....dont worry bout them....You are the best of the best...get some sleep and be happy, because people like you are extra special and for the things you do and did we all live free....even when freedom means poeple we doo al this for disgrace us....
I recently cam back from baltimore where i went to DC...rode by the vietnam wall and for some reason cried my ass off without knowing why...only to be comforted by a vietnam vet...who simply told me while pointing...we all did it for them.....
Remember Freedom has a flavor the protected never taste...but i would never want my son or daughter, mother or father, sister or friend to have to do what i did....Thats why I did it....would do it again..even though i got out by choice....I would volunteer and be the first to go in if needed in a heartbeat..not thoughts about it!!!
in my own words Semper Fi ..or as you would say...Hooah

Stay sane brother!